(A)   The subdivider shall submit 12 hard copy prints and one electronic copy of the location and sketch maps and support data to the Zoning Administrator. The subdivision documents must be submitted seven calendar days prior to a regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting to be considered by the Commission at that meeting.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall retain one print on file and distribute the location map and sketch maps and support data as follows:
      (1)   Two prints to the Planning Commission;
      (2)   One print to the Water Department and Electric Department;
      (3)   One print to the village's consulting engineer;
      (4)   One print to the Village Clerk;
      (5)   One print to the Chatham Fire Protection District;
      (6)   One print to the Springfield Metro Sanitary District
      (7)   One print to the Sangamon County Engineer, if applicable;
      (8)   One print to Sangamon County Soil and Water Conservation District;
      (9)   One print to the appropriate Township Highway Commissioner, if applicable; and
      (10)   One print to the appropriate school district.
   (C)   The entities listed in division (B) above shall transmit any comments on suitability of the site in writing to the Planning Commission within seven calendar days of receipt.
   (D)   The Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the Village Board with respect to the suitability of the site and the proposed layout no later than its second regularly scheduled meeting after the plan was filed with the Village Clerk. Lack of action within the allotted time period shall constitute a negative recommendation to the Village Board.
   (E)   After receiving the Planning Commission’s recommendation, the Village Board shall, at its next regularly scheduled board meeting, approve or disapprove the location and sketch maps based on the suitability criteria outlined in § 155.022.
(Ord. 94-01, passed 1-25-94; Am. Ord. 10-01, passed 1-12-10; Am. Ord. 16-35, passed 6-28-16)