(A)   No license shall be issued for the sale or retail of any alcoholic liquor within 100 feet of any church, school, hospital, home for the aged or indigent persons, or for veterans, their wives or children, or any military or naval station; provided that this prohibition shall not apply to hotels offering restaurant service, regularly organized clubs, or restaurants or other places where the sale of alcoholic liquors is not the principal business carried on, if such place of business or use so exempted is established for such purposes prior to the establishment of any such church, school, home for the aged or indigent persons, or for veterans, their wives or children, or any military or naval station, nor to the renewal of a license for the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor on premises within 100 feet since of any church or school, where such church or school has been established within such 100 feet since the issuance of the original license. In the case of a church, the distance of 100 feet shall be measured to the nearest part of any building used for worship services or educational programs and not to property boundaries.
   (B)   Nothing in this section shall prohibit the issuance of a license to a church or private school to sell at retail alcoholic liquor, if any such sales are limited to period when groups are assembled on the premises solely for the promotion of some common object other than sale or consumption of alcoholic liquor.
   (C)   No such license shall be issued to any person for the sale of any alcoholic liquor at any store or other place of business where the majority of customers are minors of school age, or where the principal business transacted consists of school books, school supplies, food, lunches or drinks for such minors.
   (D)   No license, except as permitted for Class P license holders, shall allow the selling or disposition of beer, wine, or any other alcoholic liquor through a drive-up window.
   (E)   A license issued hereunder shall permit the sale of alcoholic liquor only in the premises described in the application and license. Such location may be changed only when and upon the written permit to make such change shall be issued by the Local Commissioner. No change of location shall be permitted unless the proposed new location is in compliance with the provisions and regulations of this chapter.
(Ord. 94-23, passed 5-24-94; Am. Ord. 15-41, passed 9-22-15) Penalty, see § 111.99