The following regulations pertain both public or private zoos:
(A) Compliance with other laws and ordinances. The operation of any zoo shall fully comply with all applicable standards, rules and regulations pertaining to the requirements or restrictions enacted or promulgated by the state, or any political subdivision or agency thereof, or by the government of the United States or agency thereof, including but not limited to, the zoning, building and life safety ordinances and regulations of the village, the United States Department of Agriculture Rules and Regulations, the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Illinois Department of Public Health Foods and Sanitation Standards, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act, the Illinois Animal Control Act, and the Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act.
(B) Display of USDA Certificate. Each zoo shall have an exhibitors' certificate from the United States Department of Agriculture, which shall be prominently on display at the zoo's administrative offices.
(C) Debris. All trash, animal and food waste, and debris shall be removed and properly disposed of daily.
(D) Sanitation. The zoo, all buildings, cages, animal housing facilities an other areas displayed for public view shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times. Each animal facility shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized in accordance with standard industry practice and United States Department of Agriculture regulations. A regular pest control program shall be administered by each zoo so that pests (cockroaches, flies, ticks, lice, mites, rats, and the like) are not attracted to the area.
(E) Odor control. The zoo animals and all structures and buildings connected therewith shall not created or cause any offensive odor or smell of any kind.
(F) Repair and maintenance. The zoo and all animal housing facilities, fences, buildings, and cages shall be constructed and kept in good repair at all times. Cages and other animal housing facilities shall be constructed of nontoxic materials in a structurally sound design that permits cleaning and sanitation.
(G) Health and disease control. Proper veterinary care shall be provided for all animals in accordance with standard industry practice and United States Department of Agriculture regulations, including vaccination for rabies and other dangerous diseases.
(H) Noise. The animals shall not make sounds common to their species in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion.
(I) Security. No animal shall be permitted to roam freely within any part of the zoo premises accessible to the public at anytime, except in a petting or viewing area for domesticated animals only. Adequate controls shall be taken to prevent animal escapes. Exhibits in any way accessible to the public must be key locked at all times. Access doors and operating levers to dangerous animal enclosures shall be clearly identified. A battery operated electric wire may be required to be installed on the extreme top of, or inside of potentially dangerous animal facilities.
(J) Location of animals. Animal cages or other facilities shall not be located within 30 feet of any property line, public street, public sidewalk, or alley.
(K) Perimeter fence. A sturdy fence which meets or exceeds United States Department of Agriculture standards shall completely enclose the zoo premises. An appropriate gate shall be located at the zoo entrance.
(L) Size and characteristics of animal housing facility. Animals maintained at a zoo shall be provided adequate space in appropriate cages or other facilities to prevent escape and overcrowding and to maintain normal exercise according to species and in a manner consistent with industry standards and United States Department of Agriculture Regulations. Indoor housing shall be sufficiently temperature controlled and ventilated to provide adequate air circulation.
(M) Escaped animal procedures.
(1) Escaped animal procedures shall be as set forth in Appendix A.
(2) Once it has been determined that a potentially dangerous animal has escaped, such escape shall be communicated to the Village Police Department. All non-zoo personnel in the escaped animal area shall be guided to the nearest building and directed to remain indoors until told otherwise by zoo personnel. If at any time an escaped animal poses a risk of physical harm or death to any person, such persons, a zoo employee with authority to shoot, and the Village Police Department may render the animal immobile by means of tranquilizers. In an emergency where the animal cannot be tranquilized any village police officer may destroy the animal.
(3) Analysis of each animal escape is important to the continual improvement of the plan. The Zoo Director and the senior police officer will file a report on the incident. The analysis report of each escape shall be maintained in the files of the zoo.
(4) At least once per calendar half, the zoo operator shall conduct at least one hour of training for all zoo personnel in escaped animal procedures, and shall conduct an escaped animal drill. The Chief of Police shall be notified in advance of such training, and shall delegate at least one police sergeant to attend such training.
(N) Insurance. The following types of insurance shall be obtained and continuously maintained:
(1) Public liability insurance in an amount not less than $ 1,000,000 for bodily injuries (including death) in any one occurrence and not less than $ 100,000 for property damage.
(2) Workers Compensation insurance in the statutory amount.
(O) Inventory. An inventory of all animals must be maintained in zoo files at all times which shall contain but not limited to the following information on each animal. Disposal of dead animals shall be supervised by a licensed veterinarian.
(1) Common name;
(2) Scientific name;
(3) Date of acquisition;
(4) Approximate age at arrival;
(5) Date sold;
(6) Date of death;
(7) Cause of death;
(8) Sex;
(9) Behavioral information;
(10) Nutrition and care records; and
(11) Medical records.
(P) Personnel. All zoo personnel shall be properly trained in the principles of zoo keeping. The staff shall be instructed in the necessity for constant, through inspection of all caging, fencing, and equipment. The concept of a secure perimeter is stressed. At least one employee with authority to tranquilize animals and manage an escaped animal shall be on duty at all time when non-zoo personnel are present at the zoo.
(Q) Location restrictions. No dwelling shall exist on the same platted lot as a zoo; provided that this restriction does not apply to a dwelling inhabited by the zoo operator or full time zoo personnel.
(R) Inspection reports. The zoo operator shall provide to the village a copy of every inspection report the operator receives from the United States Department of Agriculture or other agency. The regular written Village inspection reports shall be maintained on file.
(Ord. 91-41, passed 9-10-91) Penalty, see § 94.99