For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMERCIAL YARD WASTE. Locally generated yard material such as grass clippings, garden debris, leaves, shrubbery or brush or tree trimmings less than four inches in length and two inches in diameter at commercial properties. Each commercial property must place this material in a separate identifiable container or compost yard waste bags or bundled.
   COMPOST YARD WASTE BAGS. Biodegradable sacks designed to store yard waste with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted. Bags must be easily identified and distinguishable from regular solid waste containers.
   RESIDENTIAL YARD WASTE. Household generated yard material such as grass clippings, garden debris, leaves, shrubbery or brush or tree trimmings less than four feet in length and two inches in diameter. Each household must place this material in a separate, identifiable container or compost yard waste bags or bundled.
   YARD WASTE CONTAINER. Households and commercial properties must provide their own separate yard waste container or compost yard waste paper bags. Yard waste containers must be prominently market so that they may be identified by a passing truck and must be placed at the curb. Containers may not exceed 90-gallon bins and cannot exceed 50 lbs. in weight.
(Ord. 19-16, passed 6-25-19; Ord. 22-38, passed 8-9-22)