A licensee may set its own rates, subject only to the following restrictions:
   (A)   The licensee shall set volume-based rates for commercial and industrial customers for collection of unseparated solid waste, and shall dispose of recyclable materials from such customers free of charge. The licensee may agree with such customers on any frequency of pickup of solid waste, provided that all waste is picked up at least once per week. Because the needs of commercial and industrial customers vary so greatly from customer to customer, the licensee need not announce a rate of general applicability, and is free, subject to state and federal law, to discriminate among commercial and industrial customers in the matter of rates.
   (B)   For residential customers, each licensee shall charge a basic fee, which will entitle each customer to a once weekly pickup and disposal of one 32-gallon garbage can or a 33-gallon bag of unseparated solid waste, not to exceed 60 pounds. For unseparated solid waste in excess of the basic service, the licensee shall charge a per 32-gallon can or 33-gallon bag fee. The customer shall purchase stickers for such additional cans and bags from the licensee, and shall affix a sticker to each additional can or bag to be picked up in addition to the basic service. The rates for residential customers shall be of general applicability, and there shall be no discrimination among residential customers as to rates; however, senior citizen discounts are permissible.
   (C)   Recyclable materials shall be picked up from residential customers free of charge.
   (D)   Rates for disposal of yard waste shall be volume-based. The licensee shall charge separately for each 32-gallon can or 33-gallon bag of yard waste. The customer shall purchase stickers from the licensees and shall affix a sticker to each can or bag of yard waste. A yard waste sticker shall cost no less than a sticker for unseparated solid waste.
   (E)   A licensee may change its rates from time to time in its discretion. The licensee shall provide the Village Administrator with a copy of any rate change for residential customers at least 30 days in advance of the rate change, and shall inform each residential customer of the rate change in writing at least 30 days in advance of its effective date. Notice to customers may, in the discretion of the licensee, be made by an insert in the monthly bill. No rate change shall be effective unless these notice provisions are complied with.
(Ord. 91-26, passed 6-11-91)