(A)   On application and payment of an investigation and processing fee of $100, in addition to the license fee set forth herein, the holder of a Class T license may be issued an outdoor street permit.
   (B)   Upon issuance, an outdoor street permit shall entitle a licensee to allow alcoholic liquor, as authorized by his or her primary classification, outside of the pennanent structure and off his or her premises for consumption purposes only, including onto a defined portion of the village's streets, alleys and/or sidewalks (hereinafter “permitted area”), subject to the following restrictions and conditions:
      (1)   Providing temporary fencing around the permitted area and no alcoholic liquor is pennitted outside of said designated and fenced area. The fencing shall provide at least one primary means of ingress and egress around the permitted area, as well as an emergency exit, unless additional areas or exits are necessary for fire and safety reasons as detennined by the Village Building Inspector.
      (2)   The holder of the permit shall be responsible for monitoring the means of ingress and egress, as well as other areas of the permitted area so as to provide for adequate crowd control and to prevent any alcoholic liquors from being removed from the permitted area by invitees or customers.
      (3)   The holder of the permit shall be required to participate in a meeting with representatives from the village's law enforcement officers to review the physical layout of the site for the event and the designated area, to address the fencing and all other safety issues.
      (4)   The holder of the permit is responsible for removal of all refuse, litter, debris, garbage and the like from the permitted area within two hours of the ending time of the permit. Any permit holder that fails to remove all refuse, litter, debris, garbage and the like as required shall be billed for the village's services in performing such removal which the holder agrees to pay within 60 days of billing.
      (5)   The holder of the permit, or an employee or agent thereof, shall be responsible for checking the identification of all invitees or guests that will consume alcoholic liquor within the permitted area and shall provide a wristband or other form of identification to demonstrate the individual is 21 years of age or over.
      (6)   The holder of the permit is required to provide necessary restroom facilities as determined by the village if such restroom facilities do not exist at the permitted area.
      (7)   Proper barriers and signage are erected to protect the permitted area as approved by the village law enforcement and state law.
      (8)   The permit holder shall indemnify the village for any and all damages or claims associated with the event and permit and shall be responsible for any damage done to village property associated with the event and permit.
      (9)   No sales of alcoholic liquor shall be permitted outside of the permitted license structure.
   (C)   The permit for the outdoor street shall be displayed, together with the licensee's T license, and shall be considered as part of the license, and subject to suspension or revocation whenever the license is subject to suspension or revocation.
   (D)   The licensee shall be subject to all other regulations governing the class of license held by the licensee, including but not limited to, regulations governing hours and the sale of food, except as specifically amended herein.
   (E)   An outdoor street permit must be approved by the Village Liquor Commissioner, as well as by adoption of a resolution of the Village Board.
(Ord. 18-12, passed 2-27-18)