(A) Any person, firm or corporation applying for the extension of the village distribution system to provide electric service to a single-family dwelling, commercial or business establishment, or trailer or mobile shall not be granted such service by the village, unless and until such applicant shall pay to the village the following fee plus actual cost of wire and equipment required:
(1) Residential overhead service. Service will be installed from masthead on structure to distribution line by village.
Service | Fee plus cost |
100 Ampere | $80 plus actual costs |
200 Ampere | $95 plus actual costs |
Over 200 Ampere | $95 plus actual costs plus difference in actual cost of service over 200 ampere service |
(2) Residential underground service. Service will be installed from meter base to distribution line by customer or property owner. The maintenance of underground service from the meter base to distribution line is the responsibility of the customer or property owner.
Service | Fee plus cost
100 Ampere | $80 plus actual costs |
200 Ampere | $95 plus actual costs |
Over 200 Ampere | $95 plus actual costs plus difference in actual cost of service over 200 ampere service |
(3) Trailer mobile home park service. The owner is to furnish and install 200 ampere meter pedestals at a location designated by the village.
Service | Fee plus cost |
Per Lot | $80 plus actual costs |
(B) In the event that any extension of service requires expenditures by the village for equipment, materials, labor, overhead, interest, taxes, or engineering studies of an extraordinary nature, the applicant shall pay to the village an additional amount to cover the actual costs of said items.
(C) In the event an extension of service entails construction of distribution facilities which provide a public benefit beyond the benefit to the applicant, the village may in its discretion elect to share the cost of the service extension with the applicant. If such extension may provide benefit to other future customers, an agreement may be entered into by the village and the applicant for rebates of a portion of the construction costs from said future customers to be collected by the village.
(E) In the event the village annexes premises which are provided electric service as of the date of annexation by another electric provider, then the village shall either:
(1) Purchase the distribution system of such electric provider; or
(2) Construct sufficient distribution lines to duplicate the service provided to the premises by such electric provider. Any such purchase or construction of the village's primary distribution system shall be at the village's expense. A customer transferring from another electric provider to the village system shall pay the residential service fees set forth in division (B) of this section; or
(3) By mutual agreement between the village and the present supplier, the village may provide service to customers in such newly annexed premises through the distribution system of the present supplier provided that the village can arrange for delivery of energy to the present provider on behalf of the village. Such arrangements may also apply to areas expected to be annexed for which a pre-annexation agreement exists.
(Ord. 95-16, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 06-16, passed 4-25-06; Am. Ord. 16-15, passed 4-26-16)