(A)   The village offers a budget billing program to residential customers that have a 12 month history at their current location.
   (B)   This plan provides for payments in equal installments.
   (C)   To qualify for the Budget Billing Program, the customer must be a customer in good standing with no more than two late payment penalties within the last 12 months. Budget Billing accounts must have a zero balance before their first Budget Billing statement,
   (D)   The village shall review the residential customer's monthly level payment no less than every six months. However, the level payment may be adjusted more frequently if the customer's consumption indicates a need for such adjustment.
   (E)   The monthly level payment must be made each month in full by the due date. Any customer that has two delinquent payments is not eligible for the Budget Billing Program for a minimum period of 12 months and will be automatically removed from the Budget Billing Program. Any payment less than the budget amount will be subject to disconnection. Budget Billing accounts are not eligible for time extensions or payment arrangements.
   (F)   Any customer who voluntarily withdraws from or defaults on any conditions of the Budget Billing Program will be ineligible to enter into another Budget Billing Program for one year from the date of withdrawal or default. Any past due balance at the time of the withdrawal or default must be paid in full.
(Ord. 16-15, passed 4-26-16)