(A)   The village shall designate one or more officials or employees to act as its Freedom of Information Act officer ("FOIA Officer"). The Chief of Police is hereby designated as deputy FOIA Officer for FOIA requests involving the police department and the Village Attorney is designated as deputy FOIA Officer in the place and stead of the FOIA Officer if the FOIA Officer is unavailable. Except in instances when records are furnished immediately, the FOIA Officer, or designee, shall receive requests submitted to the village under this subchapter and issue responses accordingly. All village officers and employees who receive a FOIA request from any source whatsoever shall notify the FOIA Officer within one working day. If the FOIA Officer is not available, the Village Attorney shall be notified. Upon receiving a request for a public record, the FOIA Officer shall:
      (1)   Note the date the village receives the written request;
      (2)   Compute the day on which the period for response will expire and make a notation of that date on the written request;
      (3)   Maintain an electronic or paper copy of a written request, including all documents submitted with the request until the request has been complied with or denied; and
      (4)   Create a file for the retention of the original request, a copy of the response, a record of written communications with the requester, and a copy of other communications.
   (B)   The Village FOIA Officer and deputies shall, by July 1, 2010, successfully complete an electronic training curriculum to be developed by the Public Access Counselor and thereafter successfully complete an annual training program. Thereafter, whenever a new FOIA Officer is designated by the village, that person shall successfully complete the electronic training curriculum within 30 days after assuming the position. Successful completion of the required training curriculum within the periods provided shall be a prerequisite to continue serving as a FOIA Officer.
(Ord. 10-02, passed 1-12-10)