On the same premises with every building, structure or part thereof, involving the receipt or distribution of vehicles or materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the lot adequate space for standing, loading and unloading in order to avoid undue interference with public use of dedicated streets or alleys. Such space shall be provided as follows:
(A) All spaces in OS-1, B-1, B-2 and B-3 districts shall be provided in the ratio required in §§ 82-426 et seq., under minimum rear yard.
(B) All spaces shall be laid out in the dimensions of at least ten by 50 feet, or 500 square feet in area, with a clearance of at least 14 feet in height. Loading dock approaches shall be provided with a pavement having an asphaltic or Portland cement binder so as to provide a permanent durable and dustless surface. All spaces in I and IRO districts shall be provided in the following ration of spaces to usable floor area.
Gross floor area
(in Square feet) | Loading and unloading spaces required in terms of square feet of usable floor
area |
0—20,000 | One space |
20,000—100,000 | One space plus one space for each 20,000 square feet in excess of 20,001 square feet |
100,000—500,000 | Five spaces plus one space for each 40,000 square feet in excess of 100,001 square feet |
(Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
Because the uses referred to in this section possess unique characteristics making it impractical to include them in a specific use district classification, they may be permitted by the city council after review by the planning commission under the conditions specified, and after public hearing. In every case, the uses hereinafter referred to in this section shall be specifically prohibited from all residential districts. These uses require special residential districts. These uses require special consideration since they service an area larger than the city and require sizable land areas, creating problems of control with reference to abutting use districts. Reference to those uses failing specifically within the intent of this section is as follows:
(A) Outdoor theaters. Because outdoor theaters possess the unique characteristic of being used only after darkness and since they develop a concentration of vehicular traffic in terms of ingress and egress from their parking area, they may be permitted in I-1 districts. Outdoor theaters shall further be subject to the following conditions:
(1) The proposed internal design shall receive approval from the building official and the city engineer as to adequacy of drainage, lighting and other technical aspects.
(2) Points of ingress and egress shall be available to the outdoor theater from abutting major thoroughfares (86-foot right-of-way or greater), and shall not be available from any residential street.
(3) All vehicles waiting or standing to enter the facility shall be provided off-street waiting space. No vehicle shall be permitted to wait or stand within a dedicated right-of-way.
(4) The area shall be so laid out as to prevent the movie screen from being viewed from residential areas or adjacent major thoroughfares. All lighting used to illuminate the area shall be so installed as to be confined within, and directed onto the premises of the outdoor theater site.
(B) Commercial television and radio towers, public utility microwaves, cellular transmissions towers and public utility TV transmitting towers. Radio and television towers, public utility microwave and public utility TV transmitting towers, and their attendant facilities, shall be permitted in I-1 districts provided such use shall be located centrally on a continuous parcel of not less than one times the height of the tower to all points on each property line. The site shall in no instance be used for the storage of vehicles or any material not required for the principal use. Outdoor storage of any kind shall be expressly prohibited.
(C) Airports and landing fields. Airports and landing fields, including structures accessory to such facilities and for the operation of an airport, may be permitted in an area zoned for industrial purposes, provided access directly to the site is from an abutting major thoroughfare, provided that land under runway approaches shall not be put to any use which might later serve as a basis for an effective argument that the space above should not be used by aircraft, and provided by the Civil Aeronautics Administration be submitted with the request for use.
(Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
(A) Greenbelt requirements. Whenever in this chapter a greenbelt or planting is required, it shall be planted to completion within 180 days of occupancy of the building or structure unless a longer period is permitted in writing by the Zoning Official. Planting shall thereafter be reasonably maintained, including permanence and health of plant materials to provide a screen to abutting properties and including the absence of weeds and refuse. Withered and/or dead plant materials shall be replaced within a reasonable period of time, but no longer than one growing season.
(B) Minimum standards. The landscape standards of this article are considered the minimum necessary. In several instances, the standards are intentionally flexible to encourage flexibility and creative design. Applicants are encouraged to provide additional landscaping to improve the function, appearance and value of their property.
(C) Landscaping commission review. For existing and proposed uses that require site plan approval to either expand or be built, landscaping should be installed insofar as practical. The planning commission in its review of the site plan has the authority to increase, decrease or otherwise modify the landscaping and screening requirements of this article. In doing so, the commission shall consider the following criteria:
(1) The amount of space on the site available for landscaping.
(2) Existing landscaping on the site and on adjacent property.
(3) The type of use on the site and size of the development.
(4) Existing and proposed adjacent land uses.
(5) The effect the required landscaping would have on the operation of the existing or proposed land use.
(D) Plant material size.
(1) Plant material shall not be located within 4 feet of the property line.
(2) Where plant materials are placed in 2 or more rows, plantings shall be staggered in rows.
(3) Evergreen trees shall not be less than 7 feet in height.
(4) Narrow evergreen trees shall not be less than 5 feet in height when used as screening.
(5) Large shrubs shall be a minimum of a #5 container (18" to 24").
(6) Small shrubs shall be a minimum of a #3 container (15" to 18").
(7) Larger deciduous trees shall not be less than 2-2 1/2 inches in caliper measured one foot above ground level.
(8) Ornamental trees shall not be less than 1 3/4" – 2 1/2" in caliper measured 1 foot above ground level.
Norway Maple - Acer platanoides | Red Maple - Acer rubra | Sugar Maple - Acer saccharum |
Beech - Fagus | Honeylocust - Gleditisia - thornless | Dawn Redwood - Metasequoia glyptostroboides |
Bloodgood London Planetree- Platanus x acerifoili | Oak - Quercus | Linden - Tilia |
Serviceberry - Aelanchier | Crabapple - Disease Resistant - Malus | Canada Red Chokecherry - Prunus |
Ornamental Pearl - Pyrus calleryana |
Fir | Pine | Spruce |
Arborvitae | Upright Junipers | Upright Yews |
Barberry | Buckthorn | Border Privet |
Burning Bush | Forsythia | Lilac |
Viburnums |
Cottoneaster | Dwarf Lilac | Potentilla |
Spirea | Viburnum | Weigela |
Deciduous | ||
Honeysuckle | Lilac | Forsythia |
Border privet | Buckthorn | Sumac |
Pyracantha | Barberry | Flowering quince |
Sargent crabapple | Dogwood (Red Osier, Grey) | |
Cotoneaster (Pekin, Spreading) | ||
Evergreen | ||
Irish yew | Hicks yew | Mugo pine |
Pfitzer juniper | Savin juniper | |
Deciduous | ||
Regal privet | Fragrant sumac | Japanese quince |
Potentilla | Compact burning bus | Cotoneaster (Cranberry, Rockspray) |
Evergreen | ||
Dwarf mugo pine | Big leaf winter creeper | Arborvitae |
Low spreading junipers (Andora, Hughes, Tamarak, and the like) | ||
Spreading yews (Dense, Brown's, Ward, and the like) | ||
Silver Maple - Acer saccharium | Boxelder - Acer nugundo | Honeylocust - Gleditisia - thorned |
Mulberry - fruiting - Morus | Poplar - Populus speciers | Black Locust - Robinia species |
Willow - Salix species |
(2) Mixture required. A mixture of plant materials (evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs) is required in all landscape plants as a protective measure against disease and insect infestation.
(3) Parking lot landscaping and screening.
(a) Parking lots of greater than 5,000 square feet in area shall meet the following landscaping requirements for the interior of the parking lot:
1. One canopy tree for every 20 parking spaces, with a minimum of two trees, shall be planted in end islands within the parking area;
2. Each interior landscaped area shall have at least 150 square feet;
3. Required parking lot land- scaping areas shall be covered with turf, shredded bark, stone, or living ground cover plants;
4. Each interior landscaped area shall be protected by a raised standard or rolled curb and gutter unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
(4) Greenbelts. Greenbelts shall be required where a developed parcel or parking lot abuts a public thoroughfare in the RM-1, RM-2, MH, OS-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, PD, IRO, I-1, and I-2 Zoning Districts. Greenbelts shall meet the following standards.
(a) Greenbelts are to be constructed only on private property and are not a part of the public rights-of-way.
(b) The minimum width of a required greenbelt shall be at least 10 feet.
(c) Greenbelts shall contain 1 tree for each 75 lineal feet of frontage, or fraction thereof, on a public thoroughfare. At least one-half of the required trees shall be canopy trees.
(d) Greenbelts shall contain 4 shrubs for each 20 lineal feet or fraction thereof. Said shrubs shall be planted in beds of mulch, bark, or stone.
(e) If a landscape screen is required along a pubic thoroughfare, the greenbelt tree planting requirements shall still apply.
(f) In no case shall greenbelts be considered as a part of the off-street parking area landscape requirements.
(g) The Zoning Administrator may recommend approval of alternate spacing arrangements and alternative numbers of plant materials if the intent of reducing negative effects between incompatible land uses is achieved.
(5) Landscape screening between land uses.
(a) Multiple family residential land uses adjacent to a public park facility or land principally used or zoned for single family residential shall have the following between it and all areas of such park or residential land:
1. Wall or fence shall be provided with a minimum height of six feet; or a hedge, berm, or combination thereof forming a continuous screen at least four feet high, if approved by the Planning Commission;
2. Multiple family projects shall also provide a minimum of 1 deciduous or evergreen tree for every 1,000 square feet of open space on the development site. Trees in any required screen may be counted toward this requirement.
(b) The following screening features shall be provided by any commercial or office development which is adjacent to a public park or land principally used or zoned for single family residences:
1. A landscaping area having a minimum width of 15 feet. This area shall consist of natural landscape materials such as lawn, ground cover, shrubs, and trees, and shall not contain impervious materials;
2. A wall or fence shall be provided with a minimum height of 6 feet; or a hedge, berm, or combination thereof forming a continuous screen at least 4 feet high if approved by the Planning Commission;
3. Required tree plantings: 1 deciduous tree or evergreen tree shall be provided for every 75 feet of lot line shared with a residential or park use or zoned property.
(c) The following screening features shall be provided by any industrial property which abuts a residential or park use:
1. A landscape screen at least 15 feet in width. Screen areas shall consist of natural landscape materials such as lawn, ground cover, shrubs, and trees, and shall not contain impervious materials;
2. A wall or fence shall be provided with a minimum height of 8 feet; or a hedge, berm, or combination thereof forming a continuous screen at least 4 feet high if approved by the Planning Commission;
3. Required tree plantings: 1 deciduous or evergreen tree for every 75 feet of lot line shared with a residential or park use or zoned property.
(d) In cases where an industrial project abuts a commercial or office use a 15 foot wide screening area shall be provided. Screening shall include a wall or fence of 6 feet in height and 1 deciduous tree or evergreen tree per 75 feet of linear distance of shared lot line.
(6) Building fronts and interior grounds. Interior landscaping areas, constituting at least 5% of the total building main floor area, shall be provided in every nonresidential development or residential development with attached dwelling units, except in the CBD District. Interior landscaping should be grouped near building entrances, along building foundations, along pedestrian walkways and along service areas in accordance with the following standards:
(a) One deciduous or 1 evergreen tree shall be required for every 1,000 square feet of required interior landscaping area.
(b) One shrub shall be required for every 250 square feet of required interior landscaping area.
(c) The interior landscaping area shall contain grass, ground cover, or 4 inch deep shredded bark.
(7) Solid waste dumpsters. Solid waste dumpsters and recycling storage containers may be located on a commercial, industrial, or multiple family properties, provided that they are screened on all sides by a continuous opaque fence at least 6 feet high.
Access to the dumpster shall be via a latching opaque gate that shall remain closed when the dumpster is not being serviced. Acceptable gate enclosure materials include wood and chain link fencing with privacy slats. Acceptable screening materials include wood, brick, and masonry.
(1993 Code, § 82-460) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992; Ord. passed 10-11-1999(1); Ord. passed 3-13-2000; Ord. passed 1-10-2005)
Cross reference:
Landscape standards for parking areas, see Appendix F