See §§ 82-426 et seq., schedule of regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and provided minimum yard setback requirements.
(1993 Code, § 82-210) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
§§ 82-211 -- 82-225 RESERVED.
In a Local Business District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected except for 1 or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
(1) All uses permitted and all conditional uses permitted in the OS-1 Office-Service Districts.
(2) Generally recognized retail businesses which supply commodities on the premises, such as but not limited to groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions or hardware.
(3) Personal service establishments which perform services on the premises, such as but not limited to repair shops (watches, radio, television, shoe, and the like), tailor shops, beauty parlors or barber shops, photographic studios, and self-service laundries and drycleaners.
(4) Dry cleaning establishments, or pick-up stations, dealing directly with the consumer. Central dry cleaning plants serving more than 1 retail outlet shall be prohibited.
(5) Post office and similar governmental office buildings, serving only persons living in the adjacent residential area.
(6) Off-street parking lots.
(7) Other uses similar to the above uses.
(8) Accessory structures and uses customarily incident to the permitted uses listed in this section.
(1993 Code, § 82-227) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
Required conditions in a Local Business District are as follows.
(1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced.
(2) All business, servicing, processing and storage of goods, except for off-street parking or loading, shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.
(1993 Code, § 82-228) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)
The following uses may be permitted in a Local Business District upon the granting of a permit for such use by the Planning Commission subject to the conditions imposed in this section for each use and subject further to such other conditions which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are necessary to provide adequate protection to the neighborhood and to abutting properties and subject further to a public hearing in accord with § 82-34(C).
(1) Automobile service station for sale of gasoline and oil, and not including repair other than incidental service and subject to the following:
(a) The curb cuts for ingress and egress to a service station shall not be permitted at such locations that will tend to create traffic hazards in the streets immediately adjacent thereto. Entrances shall be no less than 25 feet from a street intersection, measured from the roadway, or from adjacent residential property and subject to other ordinances of the city;
(b) The minimum lot area shall be 10,000 square feet, and so arranged that ample space is available for motor vehicles which are required to wait;
(c) There shall be provided, on those sides abutting or adjacent to a residential district, a 4 foot, 6 inch, completely obscuring wall or fence. The height of the wall or fence shall be measured from the surface of the ground.
(d) All lighting shall be shielded from adjacent residential districts and from abutting streets.
(e) All restroom doors shall be shielded from adjoining residential property.
(2) Publicly owned buildings, public utility buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electric transformer stations and substations, regular service stations with service yards but without storage yards, and water and sewage pumping stations.
(3) Restaurants, including drive-through restaurants, subject to the following:
(a) Access shall be provided so as not to conflict with the adjacent business uses or adversely affect traffic flow on a major thoroughfare;
(b) Access to the site shall not be by way of a residential street;
(c) Trash receptacles shall be screened from public view and shall be covered to prevent debris from being a nuisance to abutting properties;
(d) Outdoor lighting of buildings or parking areas shall be shielded from abutting residential areas;
(e) All loading and unloading and parking shall be provided off-street;
(f) A 6 foot-high, completely obscuring wall shall be provided when abutting or adjacent districts are zoned for R, RT, RM, MH or OS-1 Districts. The height of the wall shall be measured from the surface of the ground. Such wall shall further meet the requirements of §§ 82-451 et seq., general provisions.
(4) Accessory structures and uses customarily incident to the uses listed in this section.
(1993 Code, § 82-229) (Ord. passed 10-12-1992)