§§ 72-13 –- 72-19 RESERVED.
(A) Subject to the approval of the City Council, the City Manager shall make such regulations relative to the general control, supervision and use of the airport as he or she shall deem necessary or advisable. Such regulations shall comply with all rules and regulations made by the Michigan Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation pertaining to air traffic and airports. Such regulations shall become effective upon filing with the City Clerk and posting at the Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport.
(B) It shall be unlawful to violate or refuse to obey any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this section. Violation of any of the rules or regulations shall constitute a violation of this section, which violation shall be a municipal civil infraction. In addition to the penalties for municipal civil infractions, any person operating or handling any aircraft or any airport property in violation of such rules or regulations, or refusing to comply herewith, may be properly removed from the airport property or temporarily "grounded" upon the order of the Airport Director or the City Manager, and may be deprived of such further use of the airport and its facilities for such time as may be required, at the sole discretion of the Airport Director or the City Manager, to ensure the safeguarding of the airport and all persons and property located thereon, and the safeguarding of the public at large.
(Ord. passed 3-24-2008)
§§ 72-22 –- 72-29 RESERVED.
(A) The City Council is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with a fixed based operator (FBO), who will provide one or more aviation-related commercial services, and whose primary base of operations is the Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport. The terms of the fixed operator agreement shall be as mutually agreed by the parties and, consistent with 29U.S.C. § 40103, may provide for some or all of the commercial services at the Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport, as the term "commercial services" is defined below.
(B) No persons or entities shall engage in commercial services at the Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport without prior written agreement with the City.
COMMERCIAL SERVICES offered to the public is defined as follows:
(1) Aircraft sales; new and/or used aircraft;
(2) Aircraft services:
(a) Maintenance, inspection and licensing of aircraft and aircraft engines;
(b) Purchase and sale of parts, equipment and other accessories;
(c) Renovation and rebuilding of aircraft and aircraft engines;
(3) Radio sales and services; sale, installation and maintenance of aviation-associated electronic equipment;
(4) Charter operations and related services:
(a) Flight ambulance services;
(b) Crop spraying;
(c) Pest control;
(d) Air taxi;
(e) Freight hauling;
(f) Other aviation flight and ground services;
(5) Aviation flight and ground schools and corresponding ratings instruction; instruction of persons toward a license of rating as provided by the Federal Aviation Agency;
(6) The furnishing of fuel and aviation lubricants.
(Ord. passed 3-24-2008)