(A) Any person desiring to register for the collection, removal and disposal of waste shall make application for such registration to the City Clerk, who shall make or cause to be made such investigation as the City Clerk may consider necessary in order to determine whether or not the waste hauler meets the qualifications to haul and collect waste in the city.
(B) The application shall set forth the following:
(1) The name and address of the applicant;
(2) The trade name under which the applicant does or proposes to do business;
(3) The number of vehicles the applicant desires to operate and proof that drivers have valid licenses to operate them;
(4) The class, size and design of each vehicle;
(5) The nature and character of the service the applicant proposes to render;
(6) Proof of valid license issued by Eaton County;
(7) Such other information as may be required.
(C) The applicant shall, as proof of ability to respond for damage to person or property, further file with his application the following:
(1) Certificates of paid-up liability insurance in the amount specified in this article, and worker's compensation insurance, covering at least the period to be covered by such license;
(2) Certificates of ownership in the name of the applicant of vehicles to be licensed;
(3) Current state registration certificates in the name of the applicant of the vehicles to be licensed;
(4) Copies of all state and federal licenses required to haul waste in the state.
(1993 Code, § 50-57) (Ord. passed 10-28-1991; Ord. passed 1-24-1994)
If the city desires to enter into the business of collecting and disposing of solid waste within the city, it may ask Eaton County to cancel any license in effect for the collection of waste within the city, provided it gives a 6 month notice of its intent to cancel all licenses to each holder of a license to collect waste in the city.
(1993 Code, § 50-58) (Ord. passed 10-28-1991; Ord. passed 1-24-1994)