(A) No contract or purchase shall be subdivided to avoid the requirements of this division.
(B) The purchasing agent and every officer and employee of the city are expressly prohibited from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person doing business or contemplating doing business with the city, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value.
(1993 Code, § 2-181)
In an emergency or an apparent emergency endangering the public peace, health or safety of the city, the purchasing agent, the Manager or any department head may purchase directly any supplies, materials or equipment which he deems immediately necessary upon approval by the City Manager. The Manager shall advise the Council of the purchase no later than the next regular meeting of the Council.
(1993 Code, § 2-182) (Ord. 2022-07, passed 11-10-2022)
(A) Whenever any city personal property is no longer needed for corporate or public purposes, the property may be offered for sale in accordance with the restrictions established in Charter, § 15.2 and in accordance with the adopted Purchasing Manual.
(B) The purchasing agent, City Manager, or designee shall have the authority to initiate the disposal of obsolete or excess materials or equipment.
(C) Sealed bids shall be taken if the estimated value of the materials or equipment is $2,500 or more.
(D) Verbal bids may be taken if the estimated value of the materials or equipment is less than $2,500.
(E) City Council approval is required prior to disposal if the estimated value of the materials or equipment is greater than $10,000.
(1993 Code, § 2-184) (Ord. 2022-07, passed 11-10-2022)
(1993 Code, § 2-185) (Ord. 2022-07, passed 11-10-2022)
The Council or purchasing agent shall have the power to enter into purchase contracts with and from other governmental agencies, should there be an opportunity for a saving to the city or where the Council determines that it would be in the best interests of the city. However, the Council shall give its prior approval to such purchases, and all such purchases shall be in compliance with the provisions of this division and the Charter.
(1993 Code, § 2-186)
§§ 2-187 -- 2-195 RESERVED.