All taxes, charges and assessments levied or spread by the city on any city tax roll under authority of law which are paid on or before February 15 of each year shall be collected by the Treasurer, plus a 1% administrative fee, but without penalty or interest thereon. The Treasurer shall add to all such unpaid taxes, charges or assessments, paid on or after February 15, a 4% fee, consisting of a 1% property tax administrative fee and a 3% late penalty fee. Such charges and interest so added shall be a lien against the property to which the original taxes, charges or assessments apply and shall be collectable in the same manner as the taxes, charges and assessments to which they are added.
(1993 Code, § 2-161) (Ord. 2018-06, passed 11-26-2018)
All residents and/or taxpayers of the city are hereby obligated to pay all costs incurred to the city when a statement is rendered. These costs shall include but not be limited to costs assessed for drinking and driving offenses, fencing replacement, Freedom of Information Act requests, freezer removal, frozen meter replacement, health insurance, plugged sewer charges, tree replacement charges, and weed control charges, or miscellaneous services. Those charges which remain unpaid for 90 days shall be and remain a lien upon the real property of the individuals involved of the same character and effect as the lien created by general law for county and school taxes and by the Charter for city taxes. The lands upon which the lien is levied shall be subject to sale therefor the same as are our lands upon which delinquent city taxes constitute a lien. The City Treasurer is directed to place these lien charges on the tax rolls of the individuals involved as provided by law. This section shall not apply to water and sewer liens.
(1993 Code, § 2-163) (Ord. passed 4-22-2002)
§§ 2-164 -- 2-175 RESERVED.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
AGENT. The Clerk, Deputy Clerk or any other officer or employee designated by the City Manager to act as purchasing agent.
CONTRACT. Includes contracts for services, subject to the exclusion mentioned in this division, and shall include any type of service, leases for grounds, buildings, offices or maintenance of equipment, machinery and other city-owned personal property.
LOWEST COMPETENT BIDDER. In determining the lowest competent bidder, and in addition to price, the purchasing agent shall consider the following, as applicable:
(1) The ability, capacity, and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required;
(2) The ability to perform the contract or provide the service promptly, within the time specified;
(3) The character, integrity, reputation, judgement, experience, and efficiency of the bidder;
(4) The quality of performance of previous contracts or services;
(5) The compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances related to the contract or service;
(6) Demonstration of financial resources sufficient to perform the contract or service;
(7) Quality and availability of the supplies or services;
(8) Ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service; and/or
(9) The number and scope of conditions of the bid.
(1993 Code, § 2-176) (Ord. 2022-07, passed 11-10-2022)
Charter reference:
City contracts, see Chapter 15
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 1-2