Smoking is prohibited in any workplace and any food service establishment in the City of Charlevoix as provided in the Dr. Ron Davis Smoke-Free Air Law, PA 188 of 2009, M.C.L.A. § 333.12601 et seq., as may be amended. A workplace is a site employing at least one person. A food service establishment is any place with a license to serve food or beverages. This law covers public places, including, but not limited to, restaurants, bars, shopping malls, bowling alleys, concert halls, arenas, museums, mechanic shops, health facilities, nursing homes, education facilities, and child care centers. The terms and conditions of the Smoke-Free Air Law are adopted herein by reference except that, to the extent that this chapter is more restrictive than the Smoke-Free Air Law, the terms of this chapter shall govern.
(Ord. 796, passed 1-7-2019)