(A)   An applicant requesting a rezoning may voluntarily offer a conditional zoning agreement along with an application for rezoning before, or following, the public hearing for a proposed rezoning. A decision to submit a conditional zoning agreement shall be pursuant to the Zoning Act and this chapter.
   (B)   The conditional zoning agreement shall be in writing, executed by the applicant and the city and recorded with the county’s Register of Deeds.
   (C)   The conditional zoning agreement may include limitations on the uses permitted on the property in question, specification of lower density or less intensity of development and use; may impose greater restrictions on the location, size, height or other measure for buildings, structures, improvements, setbacks, landscaping, buffers, design, architecture and other features; or may provide for financing and installation of public works necessary to serve the proposed project.
   (D)   (1)   The conditional zoning agreement shall not authorize uses or developments of greater intensity or density, or uses and developments that are not permitted in the proposed zoning district.
      (2)   The conditional zoning agreement may not permit variations from height, area, setback or similar dimensional requirements that are less restrictive than the proposed zoning district; however, any variance approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with §§ 153.035 through 153.042 of this chapter may be allowed as part of a conditional rezoning agreement.
      (3)   If a special land use or site plan review is required by this chapter for the use proposed or subject to conditions within the rezoning agreement, the use(s) shall comply with the review and approval requirements as applicable prior to establishing or commencing the use(s).
   (E)   The conditional zoning agreement shall include conditions that bear a reasonable and rational relationship and/or benefit to the property in question. The conditional zoning agreement may include conditions related to the use and development of the property that are necessary to:
      (1)   Serve the property with improvements including, but not limited to, the extension, widening or realignment of streets; construction or extension of utilities and other infrastructure improvements serving the site; or the construction of recreational facilities serving the site or uses thereon;
      (2)   Minimize the impact of the development on surrounding properties and the city overall; or
      (3)   Preserve natural features and open space beyond what is normally required.
   (F)   In addition to any limitations on use or development of the site, preservation of site features or improvements described above, the conditional zoning agreement shall also include the following:
      (1)   An acknowledgment that the conditional zoning agreement was proposed voluntarily by the applicant;
      (2)   A statement that the property shall not be developed or used in any manner that is not consistent with the conditional zoning agreement;
      (3)   A statement that the approval of the rezoning and the conditional zoning agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the property owner and the city, and also their respective heirs, successors, assigns, receivers or transferees. Where the applicant for rezoning is acting on behalf of the landowner through some form of purchase agreement or other mechanism, then the landowner must also consent and sign the agreement;
      (4)   A statement that, if a rezoning with a conditional zoning agreement becomes void in accordance with this section, that no further development shall take place and no permits shall be issued unless and until a new zoning district classification for the property has been established;
      (5)   A statement that no part of the conditional zoning agreement shall permit any activity, use or condition that would otherwise violate any requirement or standard that is otherwise applicable in the new zoning district;
      (6)   A legal description of the land to which the agreement pertains; and
      (7)   Any other provisions as are agreed upon by the parties.
   (G)   The conditional zoning agreement shall be reviewed concurrently with the petition for rezoning following the process in§ 153.006(C) above and the following.
      (1)   The conditional zoning agreement may be submitted prior to or following the Planning Commission public hearing. If the agreement is provided following the public hearing it must be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to the Planning Commission making its recommendation on the rezoning to the City Council. The conditional zoning agreement shall be reviewed by the City Attorney to determine that the conditional zoning agreement conforms to the requirements of this section and the Zoning Act and shall confirm that the conditional zoning agreement is in a form acceptable for recording with the county’s Register of Deeds.
      (2)   Following the public hearing for a proposed zoning amendment, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council based upon the criteria listed in division (D)(1) above. In addition, the Planning Commission shall consider whether the proposed conditional zoning agreement:
         (a)   Is consistent with the intent of this section;
         (b)   Bears a reasonable and rational connection or benefit to the property being proposed for rezoning;
         (c)   Is necessary to ensure that the property develops in such a way that protects the surrounding neighborhood and minimizes any potential impacts to adjacent properties;
         (d)   Is necessary to allow the rezoning to be approved, in that the property could not or would not be rezoned without the proposed conditional zoning agreement;
         (e)   Leads to a development that is more compatible with abutting or surrounding uses than would have been likely if the property had been rezoned without a conditional zoning agreement or if the property were left to develop under the existing zoning classification; and
         (f)   Is clearly in the public interest and not inconsistent with the recommendations of the city’s Master Plan.
      (3)   If a conditional zoning agreement has been offered by the applicant and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, the City Council may approve the conditional zoning agreement as a condition to the rezoning if it meets all requirements of division(G)(2) above. The conditional zoning agreement shall be incorporated by attachment or otherwise as an inseparable part of the ordinance adopted by the City Council to accomplish the requested rezoning.
      (4)   If the rezoning and conditional zoning agreements are approved, the zoning classification of the rezoned property shall consist of the district to which the property has been rezoned and a reference to the conditional zoning agreement. The Official Zoning Map shall specify the new district, plus a parenthetical “CZ” to indicate that the property is subject to a conditional zoning agreement (i.e., “R1 (CZ)”). The City Clerk shall maintain a listing of all properties subject to conditional zoning agreements and shall provide copies of the agreements upon request.
      (5)   The approved conditional zoning agreement shall be recorded with the county’s Register of Deeds.
      (6)   Any uses proposed as part of a conditional zoning agreement that would otherwise require approval of a special land use or site plan approval shall be subject to the applicable review and approval requirements of §§ 153.230 through 153.239 and 153.243 through 153.257 of this chapter.
   (H)   (1)   The rezoning and conditional zoning agreement shall expire one year after adoption of the rezoning and conditional zoning agreement, unless substantial construction on the approved development of the property pursuant to building and other required permits issued by the city commences within the one-year period and proceeds diligently to completion, unless extended by the City Council for good cause.
      (2)   In the event that substantial construction on the approved development has not commenced within one year, the conditional zoning agreement shall be void.
      (3)   Should the conditional zoning agreement become void, all development on the subject property shall cease and no further development shall be permitted. Until action satisfactory to the city is taken to bring the property into compliance with the conditional zoning agreement, the city may withhold or, following notice to the applicant and being given an opportunity to be heard, revoke permits and certificates, in addition to, or in lieu of, any other lawful action to achieve compliance.
      (4)   Notwithstanding the above, if the property owner applies in writing for an extension of the conditional zoning agreement at least 30 days prior to the expiration date, the City Council may grant an extension of up to one year. Further extensions may be granted by the City Council, although the number of previous extensions granted to a particular conditional zoning agreement shall be considered in relation to the diligent effort of the land owner to satisfy the conditions of the agreement.
   (I)   If the rezoning and conditional zoning agreement becomes void as previously outlined, then the land shall revert back to its prior zoning classification as set forth in the Zoning Act. The Zoning Administrator or designee shall initiate the rezoning to the prior zoning classification and notify the land owner and/or developer of the reversion of zoning by registered letter.
   (J)   Provided that, all development and/or use of the property in question is in compliance with the conditional zoning agreement, an authorized use or development may continue indefinitely; provided that, all terms of the conditional zoning agreement continue to be met.
   (K)   The conditional zoning agreement may be amended by the city with the landowner’s consent in the same manner as was prescribed for the original rezoning and conditional rezoning agreement.
   (L)   Nothing in the conditional zoning agreement, nor any statement or other provision shall prohibit the city from later rezoning all or any portion of the property that is the subject of the conditional zoning agreement to another zoning classification. Any rezoning shall be conducted in compliance with this chapter and the Zoning Act.
   (M)   The city shall not require an owner to offer conditions as a requirement for rezoning. The lack of an offer of conditions shall not affect the owner’s rights under this chapter.
   (N)   The city is not required or obligated to accept any or all conditions offered by a developer on a rezoning application. In no way is an offer of a conditional zoning agreement the basis for requiring the city to approve a rezoning application.
(Ord. 795, passed 11-5-2018)