It shall be unlawful:
   (A)   For any person to navigate or operate, or cause to be navigated or operated, in Charlevoix Harbor, any vessel at a greater speed than six mph, nor at a greater rate of speed than is safe and reasonable under the then existing conditions and circumstances;
   (B)   For any person to deposit or discharge, or cause to be deposited or discharged, in the waters of Charlevoix Harbor, or in any waters within the corporate limits of the city, any rubbish, garbage, refuse, offal, sewerage, oil or any other foreign material or substance, or to place, deposit or leave, or cause to be placed, deposited or left, any such foreign material or substance upon any municipal pier or bathing pier therein, except as the same is deposited or left in a receptacle therefor provided by the city or its Harbor Master;
   (C)   For any person to use any municipal pier, dock or wharf for the purpose of loading or unloading freight, machinery or other cargo, or for refueling any vessel, except such docks, piers or wharfs as are specially designated for such use and purposes; provided that, the required permit therefor is first obtained from the proper officials of the city and the city dock regulations and the orders of the Harbor Master and other authorized officers of the city are complied with; provided further that, this provision shall not apply to vessel supplies or provisions other than fuel;
   (D)   For any person to use or occupy any municipal dock or pier or any bathing pier for docking or mooring any vessel engaged in commercial business or other business for gain or profit, or for the storage of any such vessel or cargo or other material other than as may be permitted by city dock regulations, except those docks, piers or wharfs which are specially designated for such use and purposes; provided that, the permit therefor is first obtained from the officials of the city and the city dock regulations and the orders of the Harbor Master and other authorized city officials are complied with;
   (E)   For any person to use any municipal dock, pier or wharf for mooring, docking, anchoring or storing any vessel for a longer period than is prescribed therefor, or in any other manner contrary to the city dock regulations adopted and published by the Council of said city, or without a license or permit therefor, issued under the provisions of this subchapter or said city dock regulations;
   (F)   For any person to destroy, mutilate, molest, remove, change the location of or in any manner interfere with any official sign, poster or other notice or regulatory device placed upon or adjacent to any municipal dock or pier, bathing pier or revetment;
   (G)   For any person to land or dock any vessel at any bathing pier, except at the place thereon specially designated therefor, or to anchor any vessel within 100 feet of such pier, or to dock or anchor any vessel at or adjacent to any bathing pier for a longer period than one hour in any period of five hours; and/or
   (H)   For any person to navigate or operate any vessel in the waters adjacent to any bathing pier in such a manner or at a rate of speed so as to endanger the lives or safety of persons using such bathing pier or adjacent waters for bathing purposes, or in such a manner as to interfere with the free and proper uses of the bathing pier and waters.
(Prior Code, § 3.82) Penalty, see § 94.99