(a)   Any person wishing to drill for oil, gas or other hydrocarbon within the corporate limits of the City must secure two permits: a drilling unit authorization permit and a drilling permit.
      (1)   A drilling unit authorization permit, which authorizes the use of land (the drilling unit) for oil or gas well drilling, must be approved by Council.
      (2)   A drilling permit, which is approved and issued by the Community Development Administrator, is required before drilling a well. No drilling permit may be issued until Council has approved a drilling unit authorization permit for the oil or gas well; and the applicant has paid the appropriate fee and complied with all requirements of this chapter and additional conditions, if any, imposed by the Council.
   (b)   The fee for a permit to drill a gas or oil well that has been approved by Council shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00).
(Ord. 3273. Passed 5-9-24.)