(a)    Purpose. This section adopts standards for the City Architect and the Planning Commission to apply when reviewing a development plan for consistency with the City of Chardon Comprehensive Plan.
   (b)    Design Standards. The design standards adopted herein apply to the exterior appearance and design of all construction and building renovations in the Industrial District after the effective date of the Code and amendments thereto.
      (1)   Blank walls, without openings such as windows or doors with windows, are not permitted on a building facade facing directly, or oriented a minimum of forty-five (45) degrees or less, toward a public street.
      (2)    At least ninety percent (90%) of the exterior finish material on a facade that faces or is oriented a minimum of forty-five (45) degrees unless toward a public street or public parking area shall be glass, brick, cut stone, cast stone, or wood.
         (Ord. 3273. Passed 5-9-24.)