Screening of accessory uses shall be provided according to the following:
   (a)   Trash Collection Areas.
      (1)   Trash or garbage collection areas shall be enclosed on all sides by a solid wall or fence and a solid gate at least one (1) foot higher than the refuse containers in the collection area but not less than six (6) feet in height. The solid wall or solid fence shall screen the view of the collection area from adjacent properties and visibility from the street. The wall or fence shall be constructed of wood, brick, decorative concrete, split face block, stone, or a synthetic material manufactured to look like the approved material.
      (2)   Screening material placed around trash or garbage collection area, shall be protected to prevent damage to the screening when the trash containers are moved, emptied, or removed. Curbing, if required for protection shall be at least one (1) foot from the screening material.
   (b)   Ground mounted Mechanical Equipment. Ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened with evergreen plant material so the equipment is completely obscured from view within four (4) years.
   (c)   Outdoor Storage and Loading Areas. Permitted loading areas, outdoor storage of goods, supplies, equipment or vehicles used in the operation of use, shall be enclosed with a solid fence or wall and solid gates. The wall or fence shall be high enough to conceal all operations and materials from the view of an observer standing at the grade level of an abutting lot or a public street, but in no case shall the wall or fence be less than six (6) feet in height. The wall or fence shall be constructed of wood, brick, decorative concrete, split face block, stone, or a synthetic material manufactured to look like the approved material.
   (d)   Landscaping. No interior landscaping shall be required within an area screened for accessory uses.
      (Ord. 3273. Passed 5-9-24.)