All off street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use unless parking spaces are provided in compliance with all the requirements of this Section.
   (a)   The use shall provide at least fifty percent (50%) of the required parking spaces on the site. The Planning Commission may grant an exception to this requirement under the following criteria:
      (1)   Proximity of the proposed parking area to the use served;
      (2)   Ease and safety of access between the proposed parking area and the use served;
      (3)   The use to be served by the off site parking; and,
      (4)   The hours of operation of the use to be served by the off site parking.
   (b)   Off site spaces shall be within 800 feet walking distance, measured along the pedestrian route to a building entrance or use. Safe and convenient pedestrian access, such as a sidewalk or path, shall exist or be provided from the structure or use to the parking lot. Appropriate safety measures shall be provided if the pedestrian must cross an arterial street.
   (c)   Contiguous lots providing off street parking for more than one use shall provide sufficient parking spaces to comply with the combined total parking requirements for all uses unless an allowance for shared parking is granted under Section 1151.17.
   (d)   The off site lot may be located in another commercial or industrial zoning district than the structure or use it serves.
   (e)   The lot used as an off site parking facility shall be owned or leased for at least a twenty (20) year term or acquired through a permanent easement by the owner of the use being served. The Community Development Administrator and the Law Director shall approve the lease or easement. If the term of the use is limited by a conditional use permit, then the term of the lease agreement for parking may be limited accordingly. At the expiration of the term of a lease or extensions thereof, the owner shall provide other suitable parking with sufficient parking spaces or end the use that required the parking.
   (f)   The number of the off site parking spaces shall not be reduced, unless other sufficient parking spaces are provided by the owner of the use. The Community Development Administrator's approval is required prior to changing the approved parking plan.
   (g)   All required handicapped parking spaces for a use shall be located on site.
   (h)   All required loading spaces shall be located on site.
   (i)   An existing non conforming parking lot used under this Section as off site parking shall be landscaped, paved and striped according to the standards of this Chapter and the Planning and Zoning Code.
      (Ord. 3273. Passed 5-9-24.)