1139.01 PURPOSE.
   Creation of Commercial and Industrial Districts (C 2, C 3, C-4 and I) and the regulation thereof are adopted in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)   To promote desirable land use and safe and efficient traffic patterns in accordance with the objectives of the City of Chardon Comprehensive Plan;
   (b)   To provide sufficient areas, in appropriate and convenient locations, for business activities and the exchange of goods and services, as well as locations for industrial, primarily manufacturing, assembly, and fabrication, research and distribution activities, thereby promoting employment and strengthening the economy of the community;
   (c)   To protect residential neighborhoods adjacent to business and industrial uses by regulating commercial and industrial activities and reducing or eliminating congestion, noise or other objectionable effects and byproducts of commercial and industrial activities with requirements that apply at the common boundaries;
   (d)   To facilitate the development of office and industrial parks by including reduced standards for lots that are part of a coordinated development and which have access to new internal streets;
   (e)   To have architecturally attractive structures surrounded by landscaped yards and when located at the periphery of industrial areas are separated from non-industrial uses by identifiable physical boundaries or by landscaped buffer zones;
   (f)   To maintain the existing commercial density and pattern of development and accommodate future growth in the "Original Chardon" area identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
   (g)   C-2, Chardon Square Mixed Use District. To provide a central business district that preserves, maintains, and promotes Chardon Square as a core area for retail sales; and promotes and enhances the existing historic environment with a pedestrian orientation on Chardon Square by permitting buildings close to the street and one another.
   (h)   C-3, Traditional Classic Commercial District. To allow for new development, redevelopment, renovation, and expansion of buildings and uses in developed commercial areas compatible with existing uses, scale, mass, density, and architectural style; and to preserve and enhance property values, reinforce City heritage, and accommodate small business development opportunities.
   (i)   C-4, General Commercial District. To accommodate a variety of intense contemporary retail and service commercial uses serving the community and surrounding trade area in locations where convenient and efficient access is provided and where such use will not conflict in scale or intensity with historic development patterns.
   (j)   I, Industrial District. To improve the manufacturing environment by making land more readily available for industry and discouraging unrelated and incompatible uses in the Industrial District; and, to protect adjacent residential districts by limiting adjacent manufacturing uses to those activities which do not create objectionable noise, odors, or visible effects beyond the District boundaries and which will be properly buffered and screened.
      (Ord. 3273. Passed 5-9-24.)