(a)   (1)   The municipal Civil Service Commission of the City shall be composed of three electors of the City who shall be appointed to staggered terms of three years each and serve as provided in § 7.04 of the Charter, regardless of political party. No Civil Service Commission member shall hold any incompatible elected or appointed public or private office. A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of the Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.
      (2)   Each member of the Commission shall attend meetings of the Commission and devote as much time as is necessary to the management of the business and affairs of the Commission.
   (b)   The Commission shall provide by rule for the ascertainment of merit and fitness as the basis for appointment and promotion in the classified service, administer and enforce the rules and regulations herein prescribed relative to the Civil Service System in the City, and hear appeals from the action of the City Manager in any case requested when the action is for removal, reduction in pay, demotion or transfer other than permitted in this chapter.
   (c)   (1)   The Commission shall elect one of its members as chairman and one as vice-chairman who shall serve for one year or until a new member is appointed and qualified, at which time successors as chairman and vice-chairman shall be elected. It shall be the duty of the chairman to call such meetings of the Commission as are necessary to transact the business and affairs of the Commission, to preside at all meetings of the Commission and to sign the minutes of all actions taken.
      (2)   On his or her own initiative, or upon the request of the other two members of the Commission, the chairman shall call a special meeting of the Commission to be held not later than ten days from the date of notice of such meeting. In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall act as chairman. Two members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Commission. The affirmative vote of at least two members is necessary to adopt any motion or resolution.
   (d)   The City Manager shall appoint a suitable person to act as secretary of the Commission. The secretary shall attend all the meetings of the Commission and keep the minutes thereof; shall keep a record of the official actions of the Commission in the form of minutes; shall be at the office of the Commission during the prescribed hours that such office is open; shall accurately and properly keep all the records of the Commission; shall keep all files in proper order; shall prepare and deliver, or cause to be delivered, notices and other communications ordered by the Commission; shall properly furnish the City Manager, or his representative duly designated in writing, with eligible lists; shall maintain an official roster of Commission members, classified employees, and eligible applicants; shall handle such correspondence as the Commission shall determine; and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Commission. The Commission may assign certain of the above listed responsibilities to the City Manager or his representative designated in writing.
   (e)   The expenses of the Commission shall be determined by Council. The Commissioners shall serve without compensation.
   (f)   The order of business for meetings of the Commission shall be:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Salute to the flag;
      (3)   Roll call;
      (4)   Approval of previous meeting minutes;
      (5)   Reports;
      (6)   Old business;
      (7)   New business;
      (8)   Executive Session; and
      (9)   Adjournment.
         (Ord. 2090. Passed 12-13-01.)