(A)   (1)   Bituminous binder course shall be installed within one year of the date of the recording of the final plat.
      (2)   Surface course shall be installed no earlier than one year following complete installation of the binder course.
      (3)   All remaining public improvements shall be completed within two years of the date of the recording of the final plat.
   (B)   Prior to commencement of the construction of any public improvements, the developer shall post as many signs at as many locations as deemed reasonable by the Planning and Zoning Commission, prohibiting construction traffic on certain streets during the development of the subdivision.
   (C)   (1)   The village will erect temporary street name signs at all intersections immediately following installation of the curb and gutters, and relocate the sign to the permanent location.
      (2)   Costs for these services will be billed to the developer.
(Ord. 176, passed 3-6-78; Am. Ord. 580, passed 5-7-90; Am. Ord. 639, passed 3-4-91; Am. Ord. 780, passed 12-6-93; Am. Ord. 1233, passed 5-20-02; Am. Ord. 1543, passed 8-4-08)