(A) Sanitary sewers and sanitary sewer services shall be installed to serve all properties in the subdivision.
(1) Sanitary sewerage facilities shall connect with public sanitary sewerage systems.
(2) Such improvements shall be installed in accordance with the minimum standards and specifications, as contained in Appendix E attached to Ordinance 864 and incorporated herein by reference, passed 11-6-95, or as approved by the Village Board after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(B) Storm sewers shall be installed to serve all properties in the subdivision.
(1) Sump pump discharge conveyance systems.
(a) Sump pump discharge conveyance pipes, either separate or in combination with storm sewers, shall be installed, unless it can be empirically demonstrated that site-specific soils exhibit an infiltration rate greater than or equal to 3.2x10-3 cubic feet per second per square foot.
(b) Generally within rear yard drainage easements, sump pump discharge conveyance systems shall consist of an inlet provided at alternating lot corners, with capped service tees for each adjacent lot, and installed so as not to interfere with other public utilities.
(2) Such improvements shall be installed in accordance with the minimum standards and specifications, as contained in Appendix F attached to Ordinance 864, passed 11-6-95 and incorporated herein by reference, or as approved by the Village Board after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 176, passed 3-6-78; Ord. 864, passed 11-6-95; Am. Ord. 1233, passed 5-20-02)