(A) The activities set forth by this section may be permitted without a registered professional engineer's review. Such activities shall still meet the other requirements of this chapter, including the mitigation requirements.
(B) Underground and overhead utilities that:
(1) Do not result in any increase in existing ground elevations; or
(2) Do not require the placement of above ground structures in the floodway; or
(3) In the case of the underground stream crossings, the top of the pipe or encasement is buried a minimum of three feet below the existing stream bed; and
(4) In the case of overhead utilities, no supporting towers are placed in the watercourse and are designed in such a fashion as not to catch debris.
(C) Storm and sanitary sewer outfalls that:
(1) Do not extend riverward or lakeward of the existing adjacent natural bank slope;
(2) Do not result in an increase in ground elevation; and
(3) Are designed so as not to cause stream erosion at the outfall location.
(D) Construction of sidewalks, athletic fields (excluding fences), properly anchored playground
equipment and patios at grade.
(E) Construction of shoreline and streambank protection that:
(1) Does not exceed 1000 feet in length.
(2) Materials are not placed higher than the existing top of bank.
(3) Materials are placed so as not to reduce the cross-sectional area of the stream channel or bank of the lake.
(4) Vegetative stabilization and gradual side slopes are the preferred mitigation methods for existing erosion problems. Where high channel velocities, sharp bends or wave action necessitate the use of alternative stabilization measures, natural rock or rip-rap are preferred materials. Artificial materials such as concrete, construction rubble, and gabions should be avoided unless there are no practicable alternatives.
(F) Temporary stream crossings in which:
(1) The approach roads will be one-half foot or less above natural grade.
(2) The crossing will allow stream flow to pass without backing up the water above the stream bank vegetation line or above any drainage tile or outfall invert.
(3) The top of the roadway fill in the channel will be at least two feet below the top of the lowest bank. Any fill in the channel shall be nonerosive material, such as rip-rap or gravel.
(4) All disturbed stream banks will be seeded or otherwise stabilized as soon as possible upon installation and again upon removal of construction.
(5) The access road and temporary crossings will be removed within one year after authorization.
(Ord. 553, passed 10-2-89; Am. Ord. 703, passed 4-6-92; Am. Ord. 789, passed 1-24-94)