The following shall be the fees for annexation, development, and planning and zoning matters in the village:
(A) Application for annexation of property to the village; no fee.
(B) Application for disconnection of property from the village; $1,250.
(C) Consideration of an annexation agreement, pre-annexation agreement or amendment to an annexation agreement; no fee.
(D) Application for zoning reclassification or zoning map amendment; $625.
(E) Application for variation of zoning ordinance, single lot residential; $200.
(F) Application for variation, non-residential and multiple lot residential; $500.
(G) Application for special use permit; $625.
(H) Application for vacation of public right-of-way; $500.
(I) Application for a planned unit development; $1250.
(J) Application for preliminary plat or preliminary site plan review shall be according to the following schedule:
Proposed Subdivision (in acres) | Preliminary fee |
5 or less | $475 |
More than 5 but not more than 10 | $700 |
More than 10 but not more than 20 | $950 |
More than 20 | $1,250 |
(K) Application for final plat or final site plan review shall be $500 plus $25 for each lot exceeding ten lots.
(L) Appeal of a decision from the Building Inspector; $500.
(Ord. 175, passed 2-20-78; Am. Ord. 329, passed 10-3-83; Am. Ord. 453, passed 6-6-88; Am. Ord. 2142, passed 12-18-23)