All premises used for the retail sale of liquor or for the storage of such liquor shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Said premises shall be kept in full compliance with ordinances of the village and the county in addition to rules and regulations of the County Health Department concerning the condition of premises used for storage or sale of food for human consumption; further, the premises both inside and out shall be kept free of all debris, litter and trash. The exterior of the premises shall be checked on a regular basis and all debris, litter and trash, including, but not limited to, cans, bottles and paper wrappers shall be immediately removed. Trash dumpsters shall be kept within a screened area and not be permitted to overflow. All garbage placed into said dumpsters shall be at a height lower than the top of the dumpster and the dumpster tops shall at all times be completely closed. All trash dumpster tops shall at all times be completely screened from the public view. Screening as herein required shall be effected by construction of a fence conforming to all village ordinances and of a size and construction sufficient to completely hide the dumpster. Failure to comply with any of the terms of this section shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of the liquor license of the licensed premises in addition to other fines or penalties which may be imposed.
(Ord. 535, passed 8-7-89) Penalty, see § 111.999