(A)   All houses in the village shall be numbered, and it is made the duty of the owner, agent or person in possession of every house in the village to number or cause the same to be numbered in the manner as is provided in this subchapter.
   (B)   One number on each side of each thorough-fare shall be allotted to each 20 feet of frontage. The numbering shall begin at State Street and Madison Street in the city of Chicago extending outwardly. The number system shall increase southerly beginning with the present corporate limits on the north of Troy Township with number 18300. The number system shall increase westerly beginning with the present corporate limits on the east of Troy and Channahon Township with number 21600.
   (C)   Each block break will be every 660 feet. If a street intersects within three property numbers of a hundred number break, the break will be shifted to the centerline of intersecting streets.
   (D)   Each block will be divided into 66 numbers - 33 odd and 33 even.
   (E)   On north-south streets, even numbers will be on the west side and odd numbers on the east sides.
   (F)   On east-west streets, even numbers will be on the north sides while odd numbers will be on the south sides.
   (G)   Crescents will be numbered consecutively from their intersection of beginning to their intersection of ending. Corner lots can have two addresses. Which one is applicable depends on which street the front of the house faces.
   (H)   Streets will be considered as trending in the direction in which they cover the greatest distance. Streets that cover roughly equal distances both north-south and east-west will be considered as north-south trending when they follow a southwest-northwest bearing and east-west trending when they follow a southeast-northwest bearing.
   (I)   Only one property number per street frontage will be assigned for single-family and industrial parcels. A lot that is on a corner may use only one address that corresponds to the front entrance of the use. Multiple-family and commercial lots will be assigned one property number per major entrance per street frontage.
   (J)   Each of the figures of numbers so to be placed on houses shall not be less than four inches in height and shall be so marked as to be distinctly and easily read and shall be of design to be approved by the village. Such numbers shall be placed in a conspicuous place on or near the front of the house so that the same are plainly visible and readable by a person with normal vision from the street or highway on which the parcel or lot adjoins. It shall be the obligation of the owner or occupant of the house to place the house numbers within six months of the date of this subchapter.
   (K)   Whenever any house or building shall have been numbered or renumbered in accordance with this subchapter, such number shall not be changed or altered unless upon application to the Village Clerk and upon new number being assigned therefore in accordance with this subchapter.
   (L)   In all cases where numbers have been assigned on any street, in pursuance hereof or of any subchapter hereafter passed, it shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to adjust and reassign numbers as may be required from time to time, and in all cases where there is a mistake or conflict in numbers, the Clerk shall direct and make proper adjustment of the same.
(Ord. 612, passed 10-24-90) Penalty, see § 95.99