(A)   No temporary sign shall be placed or erected until a permit has been issued by the Building Department. A temporary sign permit shall entitle the holder thereof to display such a sign for the time period specified within that zoning district as further stated therein.
   (B)   An application for a permit for a temporary sign shall be made on a form provided by the village and be accompanied by written consent of the property owner. Permits for temporary signs must be kept on the premises where signs are displayed.
   (C)   Duration of temporary signs:
      (1)   Residential marketing signs, on- and off-site: 12 months, renewable on a six-month basis thereafter.
      (2)   Commercial or industrial marketing real estate signs: 12 months, renewable on a six- month basis thereafter.
      (3)   Temporary commercial or mobile signs: advertising a special sale or event, not to exceed 30 days and not more than four times per calendar year with at least 30 days in between such advertising periods. No more than two temporary signs shall be allowed per multi-tenant building.
   (D)   Every applicant for a temporary sign shall pay a fee of $50 per sign (to include both sides of double faced signs). No fee shall be charged for temporary sign permits for not-for-profit activities or organizations.
(Ord. 730, passed 9-21-92; Am. Ord. 1342, passed 5-3-04; Am. Ord. 1526, passed 3-3-08; Am. Ord. 1559, passed 12-1-08; Am. Ord. 1618, passed 5-3-10) Penalty, see § 156.999