(A) Purpose. The intent of this section is to establish procedures and standards for the review and approval of site plans to ensure full compliance with all local, state and federal ordinances and regulations, and to ensure that a proposed land use or activity is compatible with the character of the surrounding area, the adjacent uses of land, the natural environment, the capacities of public services and will protect the public health, safety and welfare.
(B) Scope. This section shall apply to the following:
(1) The construction of any new, nonresidential building or structure exceeding 500 square feet;
(2) The conversion, in whole or in part, of an existing building from residential to nonresidential building or structure; and
(3) The establishment of a new nonresidential use even if no buildings or structures are proposed.
(C) Site plan approval procedures. No land, building, or structure shall be erected or used and no building permit shall be issued for a development within the scope of this section, unless and until a site plan has been approved in accordance with this section.
(D) Application procedure.
(1) The applicant shall submit an application on forms provided by the village for review and approval of a site plan.
(2) The complete application shall consist of the following:
(a) A fully executed and signed copy of the application for site plan review, and application fee if applicable;
(b) A fully executed Professional Fee Agreement and deposit; and
(c) Twenty copies of the site plan and supporting documents.
(E) Site plan requirements. The site plan shall include at a minimum the following:
(1) General information.
(a) Name, address and phone number of the developer.
(b) Name, address and phone number of the record owner if different from developer.
(c) Name, address and phone number of the architect, engineer, landscape architect, land planner, surveyor or consulting firm responsible for preparing the plan(s).
(d) Date of plan preparation/revision.
(e) North arrow and scale.
(f) Legal description of the property.
(g) If applicable, a Site Data Table indicating the gross acreage, net acreage, site coverage percentage, building area(s), floor area ratio.
(2) Existing conditions
(a) Zoning and use of the property.
(b) Zoning and use of all adjacent properties.
(c) Existing topography of the site shown at two-foot intervals and extending a minimum of 25 feet beyond the property lines of the site.
(d) Building setback lines.
(e) Location and extent of any water bodies, wetlands, streams and floodplains on or adjacent to the site.
(f) Location and size of existing trees.
(g) Location of other notable natural features.
(h) Location and dimension of any existing easements.
(i) Location, size, and ground floor elevation of all existing buildings on the site.
(j) Location and dimension of any other structures or improvements on the site.
(k) Location, names, and widths of existing streets and rights-of-way within or adjacent to the site.
(l) Location and size of any existing storm sewer, water main, sanitary sewer, culverts, drains, field tiles, on-site disposal systems, wells, power or telephone poles, electrical lines, telephone lines, and gas lines on the subject site, or of any such entities off-site that will serve the subject site.
(m) The location, front view and dimension of existing signs.
(3) Proposed development
(a) Proposed use and zoning.
(b) A grading plan showing the proposed changes in the topography of the site at two-foot intervals, with spot grades provided at significant points.
(c) The location and dimensions of all provisions for water supply and sanitary sewer.
(d) A stormwater detention/retention plan, including stormwater run-off and detention calculation.
(e) The location, elevation and size of all catch basins, ditches, swales, retention basins and storm sewers.
(f) An erosion control plan.
(g) The location, dimensions and foundation/floor elevations of all proposed buildings or expansions on the site.
(h) The location and dimensions of proposed driveways, parking areas, loading areas and sidewalks.
(i) The location, dimensions, front view and materials of proposed signs.
(j) The location and type of exterior lighting, including a point-by-point photometric plan.
(k) The location and nature of electrical, telephone, gas, cable or other utility services to be installed at the site.
(l) Building plans showing the floor plans and elevations of all proposed principal and accessory buildings, and a schedule of the type and color of exterior surface materials.
(m) Landscape plans shall be submitted in accordance with § 158.35(B).
(4) Supporting reports, documents, exhibits, etc.
(F) Review procedures.
(1) A complete application for Site Plan approval shall be filed with the village not less than 20 days prior to any Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled to review said application and Site Plan.
(2) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the Site Plan and make a recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees to approve or disapprove the Site Plan within 60 days. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation may include conditions and is advisory in nature.
(3) The President and Board of Trustees shall approve or disapprove the Site Plan within 60 days of receiving the Planning and Zoning recommendation.
(G) Approval criteria and standards.
(1) Site configuration. Buildings and structures will meet or exceed setback standards, height and other dimensional standards and be appropriately placed in relation to natural features of the site.
(2) Buildings.
(a) Buildings shall be designed, situated and constructed so as to conform to any applicable design criteria of the village.
(b) All buildings shall have a strong visual relationship and design compatibility between the building, the site, and adjacent development.
(c) The exterior appearances and mass of the building(s) shall complement the existing development and character within the surrounding area.
(3) Impact on surrounding land uses and zoning.
(a) The proposed site plan will be harmonious with, and not harmful or injurious to, existing and planned uses in the immediate area.
(b) The proposed improvements will be coordinated with improvements serving the site and other properties in the area.
(c) The Site Plan shall meet the intent of this section and the intent of the Zoning Code.
(4) Preservation of natural features. The site plan shall demonstrate judicious effort to preserve the integrity of the land, natural topography, drainage, wetlands, watercourses, floodplains and existing vegetation.
(5) Signs.
(a) Proposed signs shall meet the requirements of all applicable village regulations and shall be generally complementary with surrounding properties and traffic operations.
(b) The size, location, design and lighting of the signs shall be considered in relation to adjacent sites, glare, traffic safety and compatibility with adjoining properties.
(6) Exterior lighting.
(a) At the expense of the owner/developer, all roads, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots and other common areas and facilities shall be sufficiently illuminated to ensure the security of property, and the safety of persons using such roads, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots and other common areas and facilities.
(b) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing standards, the following minimum standards shall apply:
1. Lights shall be installed in all parking areas containing five or more parking spaces, and shall be illuminated between dusk and dawn, whenever said premises are open for operation;
2. OPEN FOR OPERATION shall be construed to mean any time that a retail business is open for the sale of goods or services or a retail, office or industrial facility actually has employees, other than guards or watchmen, working within or upon the premises;
3. Lights shall not be more than 15 feet in height in residential zoning districts and not more than 30 feet in height in other zoning districts.
4. Where lighted areas are required, lighting shall be provided as follows:
Zoning District | Minimum* | Maximum |
Residential | 1.0 | 2.0 |
Commercial | 1.0 | 3.0 |
Industrial | 2.5 | 5.0 |
* Average ground level footcandles. |
Average illumination at property line shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles.
5. All lighting shall be constructed, positioned and maintained in such a way so as not to reflect light either directly or indirectly onto adjacent properties.
(7) Parking and loading. The number location and dimensions of all parking and loading spaces and the design of parking and loading areas shall meet the requirements of all applicable village regulations.
(8) Landscaping and screening. Landscaping and screening shall be in accordance with Chapter 158: Landscape Ordinance.
(Ord. 1233, passed 5-20-02; Am. Ord. 1430, passed 6-26-06; Am. Ord. 1530, passed 4-7-08)