(A) Any applicant shall first file with the Subdivision Administrator an application and four copies of a preliminary plan or preliminary site plan not to exceed 24 inches by 36 inches in size.
(1) Additional copies may be required as deemed necessary by the Subdivision Administrator.
(2) At the time of concept plan review, the Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize the simultaneous filing of an application for preliminary and final plat or site plan approvals, without compliance with separate procedures, in particular cases where the nature and scope of the subdivision site plan or development proposed does not require separate review procedures.
(3) Preliminary plats containing three lots or less and that do not involve the opening of any new streets may be exempted from the requirement of the filing of a preliminary plat and may be submitted as a final plat.
(B) (1) Any applications for preliminary plat or preliminary site plan approval shall be filed at least 30 days prior to the regular monthly meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at which presentation will be made.
(2) The Subdivision Administrator:
(a) Shall determine whether the application and plat or plan are in proper form; and
(b) Shall not consider the application as filed until:
1. All documents are in accordance with the requirements as set forth herein; and
2. All filing fees have been paid; and
3. An executed Professional Fee Agreement and the related deposit have been provided to the village in accordance with § 150.50.
(C) The following general information, where applicable, shall be shown on the preliminary plat or preliminary site plan unless waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission:
(1) The proposed name of the subdivision site plan (which shall not duplicate or resemble the name of any existing subdivision site plan within a radius of five miles);
(2) Date of preparation, north point and scale of drawing, which shall be one inch = 100 feet;
(3) An identification clearly stating that the map is a preliminary subdivision site plan plat or a preliminary site plan;
(4) Legal description of the parcel;
(5) Names and addresses of the record owner or owners, the applicant, and the Illinois-registered land surveyor or the licensed professional engineer who prepared the plat, with the appropriate seal affixed; and
(6) A vicinity map showing the general location of the parcel within the village and environs.
(D) The following conditions, if found to exist on the parcel, shall be shown on any preliminary plat or site plan unless waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission:
(1) The location, width and names of all streets within or adjacent to the parcel together with easements, public utility and railroad rights-of-way, and other important features, such as municipal boundary lines, section lines, corners and monuments.
(2) Contour lines of the parcel and all adjacent land within 100 feet of the boundaries of the parcel showing intervals no greater than:
(a) One foot contour intervals for ground slopes less than 0.5%;
(b) Two foot contour intervals for ground slope greater than 0.5% but less than 2%; and
(c) Five foot contour intervals for ground slope exceeding 5%.
(3) The location and direction of all watercourses and the location of all areas subject to flooding, including:
(a) The flowlines of streams and channels showing their normal shorelines and floodway limits;
(b) Lakes, ponds, swamps, marshes and any detention basins showing their normal shorelines, floodway limits and lines of inflow and outflow, if any; and
(c) Seeps, springs, flowings and wells.
(4) Natural features, such as rock outcroppings, wooded areas, and isolated, preservable trees one foot or more in diameter.
(5) Present uses of the parcel, including the location of all existing structures, showing those that will be removed and those that will remain on the parcel after the final plat is recorded or development completed.
(6) (a) The location and size of existing sanitary and combined storm sewers water mains, culverts, drain pipes, catch basins, manholes, hydrants and electric and gas lines within the parcel and in adjacent streets or rights-of-way.
(b) If water mains, sewers or electric or gas lines are not on or adjacent to the parcel, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of, the nearest usable facilities.
(7) Zoning classifications of the parcel and of lands adjacent.
(8) Houses, barns, shacks and other significant improvements.
(E) The following improvements, if proposed or required, shall be shown on the preliminary plat or site plan, or in supporting documents, unless waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission:
(1) Streets and rights-of-way, showing the location, widths, number, names and approximate grades thereof;
(2) The preliminary plat shall show the relationship between existing and proposed streets, and also show proposed walks, curbs and gutters;
(3) Easements showing width and purpose;
(4) Lots showing approximate dimensions, minimum lot sizes and proposed lot and block numbers;
(5) Preliminary engineering plan showing size and location of sanitary, storm combined sewers, water mains, culverts and electric and gas lines;
(6) Sites to be dedicated for school, park, playground or other public purposes, together with appropriate acreage of each;
(7) Proposed building setback lines;
(8) Proposed grading plan of the parcel at intervals of not more than two feet if the overall plan requires changes in the general topography;
(9) The floor area and lot coverage of each building or structure and the floor area ratio for each parcel that is the ratio of the square footage of a building or structure to the square footage of the lot;
(10) Legally established centerline elevations; and
(11) Proposed public improvements, such as highways or other major improvements, as planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the parcel.
(F) The following supporting data shall be submitted in separate statements or maps accompanying the preliminary plat or site plan, or, if practical, such data may be shown on the preliminary plat or preliminary site plan, unless waived by the Plan Commissions:
(1) Proof of ownership of the parcel and applicant's interest therein;
(2) A map extending for a minimum distance of 100 feet on all sides of the parcel showing existing use and ownership of adjacent lands, showing streets, rights-of-way and dedicated easements, locations of existing structures and elevation of their foundations, approximate direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls, railroads, power lines, towers and other nearby residential land uses or adverse influences;
(3) An aerial map:
(a) Showing the parcel to be subdivided or developed;
(b) Including a scale; and
(c) Showing the year in which the photograph was taken;
(4) Existing or proposed annexation agreement that pertains to the parcel;
(5) Estimated cost of the development;
(6) Estimated construction and development schedule;
(7) Generalized landscaping plan;
(8) Proposed building types;
(9) Statement concerning methods of sewage waste disposal.
(a) Where the sanitary sewage facilities are proposed to be provided by individual septic systems, percolation tests shall be made on the property in cooperation with the Will County Health Department.
(b) A copy of the test results, together with the recommendation of the Health Department as a minimum lot size, shall be made available to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Village Engineer;
(10) Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry or other nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings;
(11) [Reserved];
(12) (a) Profile drawings of each stream, channel, pond and basin on the parcel and on any adjoining land that may affect the layout or drainage of the parcel for a minimum of 500 feet in each direction, up and downstream, showing elevations of the following:
1. The bed;
2. Channel banks, if any;
3. Size and elevation of sewer and drain outlets and culverts into the stream, channel or basin; and
4. Flood of record elevation; and
(b) The applicant's engineer shall, in drawing his or her profiles, extend or project the established fold of recorded elevation upstream or downstream for a distance of 500 feet; and
(13) A preliminary drainage plan, designed to handle safely the stormwater runoff, accompanied by maps or other descriptive material showing the following:
(a) The extent and area of each watershed tributary to the drainage channels of the parcel;
(b) Existing storm sewers and other storm drains to be built and sizes;
(c) Existing streams and floodwater runoff channels to be maintained, enlarged, altered, or eliminated, and new channels to be constructed, their locations, cross sections, and profiles;
(d) Existing culverts and bridges, drainage areas, elevations and adequacy of waterway openings and new culverts and bridges to be built;
(e) Existing detention ponds and basins to be maintained, enlarged, altered and new ponds or basins to be built with or without dams or flow-retention devices; and
(f) Parking lots shall be so designed so as to not store rain water for detention purposes.
(G) (1) Upon the determination that the application and preliminary plat or preliminary site plan are in proper form, the Subdivision Administrator shall place the matter on a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting agenda and notice shall be served on the applicant confirming the time and place of the meeting at which the matter will be discussed.
(2) The Village Engineer shall also be notified and supplied with copies of the application, preliminary plat or preliminary site plan and other documents.
(H) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its written report to the corporate authorities, recommending approval or disapproval of the preliminary plat or preliminary site plan.
(1) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its report within 90 days from the date of the application or the filing by the applicant of the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later, unless such time shall be extended by the mutual consent of the applicant and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(2) If the recommendation is to disapprove, the report shall set forth the reasons for its disapproval, and specify with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat or site plan fails to meet the standards of § 154.23.
(3) A copy of the report shall also be forwarded to the applicant.
(I) The corporate authorities by resolution shall approve or reject the preliminary plat or preliminary site plan within 30 days after its next regularly scheduled meeting following the date of action of the Planning and Zoning Commission, unless such time is extended by the mutual consent of the applicant and the corporate authorities.
(1) If it rejects the plat or site plan, the resolution shall set forth the reasons for its disapproval and specify with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat or site plan fails to meet the standards of § 154.23.
(2) A copy of the decision of the corporate authorities shall be furnished to the applicant.
(J) Approval of the preliminary plat or plan by the corporate authorities shall not qualify the plat or plan for recording, but shall be considered permission to prepare the final plat or plan with detailed plans and specifications for the proposed subdivision site plan or development.
(1) Such preliminary approval shall be effective for no more than one year from the date of approval, unless, upon application by the applicant, the corporate authorities grant an extension of time for an additional one year.
(2) Such application shall not require an additional filing fee or the submission of additional copies of the plat or site plan.
(3) The applicant may rely for planning purposes on any aspect that has received preliminary plat approval during the effective period.
(K) An applicant shall simultaneously file with the State Department of Transportation, relevant local highway authority or the County Health Department, as appropriate, a copy of the application for preliminary approval of any proposed plat filed with the village.
(1) The department or authority receiving the application shall review the application based solely upon safety or access-control standards and provide written approval or disapproval to the Planning and Zoning Commission and to the corporate authorities not later than 90 days from the date the application is received.
(2) The 90-day period may be changed by mutual agreement.
(3) If disapproved, the department or authority shall provide reasons for the disapproval related to safety or access control standards, and identify improvements that will remove the disapproval.
(4) The corporate authorities may approve the plat once the improvements have been incorporated into the application, or in the event that the department or authority fails to respond in writing to the village within the 90-day period or other period established by mutual agreement.
(Ord. 176, passed 3-6-78; Am. Ord. 639, passed 3-4-91; Am. Ord. 1233, passed 5-20-02; Am. Ord. 1589, passed 8-3-09)