9.51   Sign Standards
   A.   Purpose
   The purpose of this sign section of the Ordinance is to:
      1.   Protect each person's Constitutional right to freedom of speech;
      2.   Protect the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity, and general welfare.
      3.   Show respect for citizens' need for self expression;
      4.    Promote the use of signs that are aesthetically pleasing, of appropriate scale, and integrated with surrounding buildings and landscape, in order to meet the City's expressed desire for quality development;
      5.   Protect the public from a traffic safety concern by addressing driver fatigue, impairment, judgment, error, risk taking, and traffic violations that could occur from the distraction of electronic, changeable copy, or moving/rotating signs.
   B.   Objectives
      This section regulates the time, place, and manner in which signs are displayed to achieve the following:
      1.   Primary Objectives:
         a.   Permit non-commercial signs on any property within the City;
         b.   Permit signs without unconstitutionally regulating the information conveyed by each sign;
         c.   Permit signs which do not create a potential hazard to the public safety;
         d.   Permit commercial signs appropriate to the land use and/or zoning classification of each property within the City.
      2.   Secondary Objectives:
         a.   To create a more aesthetically-pleasing City;
         b.   To eliminate visual clutter within the City.
   C.   Prohibited Signs and Sign Characteristics
      1.   Any sign or part thereof which is erected within or above a public right-of-way shall be prohibited. This provision shall specifically apply to any sign conveying a commercial or a non-commercial message including a political sign.
      2.   Any sign erected at or near any intersection of any streets in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision, or at any location where by reason of position, shape, or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device, or which makes use of the word "stop", "look", "danger", or other word phrase or symbol in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic shall be prohibited.
      3.   Any sign mounted onto, above, or incorporated into, the roof of any building shall be prohibited unless otherwise specifically permitted by this ordinance.
      4.   Any lighter-than-air or inflatable sign situated on, attached or tethered to a premises, structure or vehicle shall be prohibited. A balloon measuring up to, but not exceeding 24 inches in any dimension and is situated on, tethered or attached to the premises of a single-family, two-family, or 3-4 family dwelling unit shall be exempt provided said balloon is not displayed in conjunction with any other sign as defined by this UDO.
      5.   RESERVED (Ord. 16-20)
      6.   Any sign utilizing an artificial illumination device which radiates intensity, beam spread, glare, or color which interferes with the vision of persons not located on the premises shall be prohibited.
      7.   Any sign utilizing a fixed or mobile beacon, strobe light, searchlight, signaling light, spotlight or similar apparatus, equipment or device, which is directed above or outside of a premises in such a manner so as to attract an unusual amount of visual attention of persons not located on the premises shall be prohibited.
      8.   Any sign or part there of which utilizes flame as a source of light shall be prohibited.
      9.   Any sign utilizing an energized lamp bulb where the surface of the bulb is directly visible to persons not located on the premises shall be prohibited.
      10.   Any sign conveying misleading or unlawful commercial information shall be prohibited.
      11.   Any sign which conveys visual information that is obscene, indecent, or immoral shall be prohibited.
      12.   A vehicle mounted sign shall be prohibited.
   D.   General Provisions
      A sign shall be designed, erected, altered, reconstructed, moved and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.51 of this Ordinance unless specifically modified by another Section of this Ordinance.
      1.   Permits Required: A Zoning Permit shall be obtained for erection, construction, relocation, or alteration of any sign unless exempted by the City Department of Development. A sign shall comply with all City zoning, building, electrical, and fire codes.
      2.   Nonconforming Signs: See: Non-Conforming Lots, Non-Conforming Uses of Land, Non-Conforming Structures, Non-Conforming Uses of Structures and Premises, and Non-Conforming Characteristics of Use Section of this Ordinance.
      3.   Maintenance of Signs: Every sign, whether requiring a sign permit or not, shall be maintained in a safe, presentable, and good structural condition at all times, including the replacement of a defective part, painting, cleaning, and other acts required for the maintenance of said sign.
      4.   Dangerous or Defective Signs Not Permitted: A sign in dangerous or defective condition shall not be permitted on any premises. Any such sign shall be removed or repaired.
      5.   Removal of Dangerous or Defective Signs: The City Manager or designee may immediately remove or cause to be removed any dangerous or defective sign which, in the opinion of the City Planner or designee, creates an immediate or potential danger to persons or property due to structural deficiencies, inadequate maintenance, or because of the location of the sign.
      6.   Removal of Unlawful Sign in the Public Right-of-Way: The City Manager or designee may remove or cause to be removed any unlawful sign in the public right-of-way. The sign will be destroyed or disposed of within 10 days of removal unless claimed by owner.
      7.   Duration of a Permitted Sign: Any sign permitted in this Ordinance shall be considered to be a permanent sign unless otherwise stated in this Ordinance.
      8.   Sign Face Materials for a Permanent Sign: The sign face of a permanent sign may be constructed using rigid and opaque materials. The use of non-durable materials such as vinyl, PVC, corrugated plastic or paper, cardboard, plywood, particle board, or foam shall be prohibited. Other materials that are rigid and opaque that are not specifically prohibited by this ordinance may be approved by the City Planner on a case by case basis. See Article 9.51(H) for permitted sign face materials in the Architectural Preservation District. (Ord. 17-13)
      9.   Sign Location with Respect to Frontages: Sign area permitted by virtue of a premises having lot frontage or building frontage shall be located only along that frontage which generated the permitted sign area, unless otherwise noted in Article 9.51 of the UDO. (Ord. 18-16)
      10.   Non-Commercial Flags. A flag conveying non-commercial information provided the number of flags does not exceed 3 on any premises, and provided the sign face area of any flag shall not exceed 60 square feet.
      11.   Installation of Flagpole in Sidewalk. A property owner may install an American Flag in the public right-of-way adjacent to his property in accordance with the provisions of Ohio Revised Code 723.012 titled "Installation of flagpole in sidewalk".
      12.   Window Sign. Any sign located inside or behind a window shall not be subject to any provisions of this Ordinance, except the Prohibited Signs and Sign Characteristics contained in this Ordinance, provided that the window sign is located in a building where a commercial or an industrial use is permitted as a principal use, and provided that not more than 25 percent of the area of any window is devoted to window signage. While multiple signs are permitted, only one sign may be internally illuminated. Any lighted sign larger than four (4) square feet shall receive approval from the City Planner so that the sign does not exceed brightness, scale, surrounding environment, particularly with respect to nearby residential properties and drivers within the public right-of-way. (Ord. 20-22)
      13.   Non-Commercial Messages: Non-commercial information may be conveyed by any sign permitted under this Ordinance.
      14.   Commercial Messages: All commercial information conveyed by any sign permitted under this Ordinance must pertain to the premises on which the sign is located.
      15.   A permanent sign may have an internal rotation that does not extend beyond the sign area when in motion. A sign with any other external rotation with visible moving, revolving, rotating parts, visible mechanical movement or conveys at any time the visual sensation or appearance of motion, or presents a non-constant visual image to the eye of an observer shall be prohibited. (Ord. 16-20)
      16.   RESERVED (Ord. 16-20)
      17.   Directional Signs: In addition to any other permanent or temporary sign permitted elsewhere in this Ordinance, permanent or temporary sign(s) which convey information which pertains to the direction of traffic movement onto or within a premises shall be permitted provided that:
         a.   The sign face area shall not exceed two square feet and the sign area shall not exceed four square feet.
         b.   Sign height shall not exceed three feet if located within 25 feet of a public right-of- way or eight feet in height in any other location.
         c.   The sign shall be located outside any public right-of-way, but shall not be subject to the general ground sign setback provision.
         d.   The sign shall pertain to the premises on which it is located.
         e.   When located in the Architectural Preservation District, the sign shall comply with all the general design standards and general provisions applicable to signs located within the Architectural Preservation District.
         f.   A wall mounted directional sign may be placed at the entrance to any drive-thru window.
      18.   Ground Signs
         a.   Setback. Any permanent or temporary ground sign or any part thereof shall be located outside the public right-of-way.
         b.   Lot Frontage. Ground signs shall generate sign area based upon lot frontage on a public right-of-way of at least 50 feet in width. Corner lots and through lots shall have only one lot frontage for the calculation of permitted ground sign area. (Ord. 18-16)
         c.   Landscaping Requirements. A permanent ground sign shall require a single continuous landscaped area to be maintained beneath the sign in accordance with the following standards:
            i.   The minimum landscaped area shall be equal to the area of the sign face.
            ii.   The landscaped area shall include all points where sign structural supports attach to the ground.
            iii.   Where the required landscaped area is adjacent to a paved surface accessible to vehicular traffic, a raised non-mountable curb suitable to prevent the encroachment of vehicles shall be required. The minimum distance between the face of any required curb and any part of the sign shall be 30 inches.
            iv.   The landscaping shall frame or accent the sign in an aesthetically pleasing manner with a mixture of shrubs and ground cover plants. The use of concrete, asphalt or any other paved surface inside the required landscaped area beneath the sign shall be prohibited. (Ord. 18-16)
      19.   Projecting Signs
         a.   Shall not be less than eight feet in height above a sidewalk and 15 feet in height above a driveway.
         b.   Shall be attached to the building wall at an angle of 90 degrees and no part of the sign shall project more than four feet from the wall.
         c.   Shall not mask or interrupt a major architectural feature (such as, but not limited to, doors, windows, or trim).
         d.   Shall not extend higher on the wall than the bottom height of any second story window.
      20.   Wall Signs
         a.   Shall not extend more than 12 inches from the wall of the building upon which it is mounted.
         b.   Shall be inclined from the vertical only to the extent necessary for conformity to the general contour of the wall to which the sign is mounted.
         c.   Shall not extend above the top of the wall and shall not extend beyond the limits of any wall to which they are attached.
         d.   Shall not mask or interrupt a major architectural feature (such as, but not limited to, doors, windows, or trim).
         e.   Shall have hidden structural supports.
      21.   Temporary Signs
         a.   The illumination of a temporary sign shall be prohibited.
         b.   Temporary Real Estate Signs. In addition to any other temporary sign permitted elsewhere in this Ordinance on a premises, one additional temporary sign per lot frontage shall be permitted which complies with the following requirements:
            i.   Conveys information which pertains only to the "for sale"," for lease", or "for rent" status of the premises on which the sign is located. Information such as but not limited to, "Sold", "leased", or "rented" shall not be permitted on a sign under this provision. (Ord. 17-13)
            ii.   Single-family, Two-family Residential Uses and Multi-Family Residential Units (Ord. 17-13)
               1)   The sign area shall not exceed 12 square feet and the sign face area shall not exceed six square feet.
               2)   Sign height shall not exceed 4 feet.
               3)   The sign shall be either a ground or a wall sign.
               4)   A sign permit shall not be required.
            iii.    Non-residential and Undeveloped Land Uses (Ord. 17-13)
               1)   The sign area shall not exceed 12 square feet and the sign face area shall not exceed six square feet for properties with a frontage of 100 linear feet or less.
               2)   The sign area shall not exceed 32 square feet and the sign face area shall not exceed 16 square feet for properties with a frontage greater than 100 linear feet.
               3)   The sign area shall not exceed 64 square feet and the sign face area shall not exceed 32 square feet for properties with a frontage of 200 linear feet or greater.
               4)   A sign shall not exceed 6 feet in height.
               5)   A sign permit shall not be required.
         c.   Temporary Signs Advertising Non-Commercial Events Not Occurring on the Property on Which the Sign Is Located
            i.   Any sign which advertises or is related to a non-commercial event which said event is not to occur on the property on which the sign is situated shall not be displayed more than 30 days prior to the date to which it relates and shall be removed by midnight of the third day following the event to which it relates.
            ii.   Any temporary sign under this provision shall display noncommercial information only.
         d.   A sign having an electronic message center shall be prohibited.
         e.   Any temporary sign with visible moving, revolving, rotating parts, visible mechanical movement or conveys at any time the visual sensation or appearance of motion, or presents a non-constant visual image to the eye of an observer shall be prohibited. (Ord. 16-20)
         f.   Temporary Signs for New Businesses
            New businesses that have received a zoning certificate and building occupancy permits are allowed a temporary sign for 30 days. A permit is not required and this does not count towards the annual, half-calendar or quarter of a calendar year time requirement. Only one sign is permitted per premise and it must meet the size, material and location requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance for the zoning district that it is located. This allowance is only valid for a period within six months of the opening of the business. (Ord. 16-20)
      22.   Signs at Unoccupied Building or Tenant Spaces. Any sign face identifying a business no longer in operation at a subject location shall be removed no later than 45 days from the date the business vacates the building or tenant space, or by a scheduled a date approved by the City Planner. (Ord. 18-16)
   E.   Signs Permitted for Undeveloped or Agricultural Land
      1.   Residential Zoned Land (Excluding the Architectural Preservation District)
         a.   Permanent Signs
            i.   Permanent sign(s) shall be prohibited.
         b.   Temporary Signs
            i.   Only one temporary sign shall be permitted on each premises.
            ii.   Shall not exceed 12 square feet in sign area plus one additional square foot of sign area for everyone-half acre of land above 6 acres not to exceed 64 square feet in sign area. The sign face area shall not exceed one-half the sign area.
            iii.   Shall be a maximum of 6 feet in height.
            iv.   May be displayed a maximum of 90 days out of each calendar year.
      2.   Non-Residential or Agriculturally Zoned Land (Excluding the Architectural Preservation District)
         a.   Permanent Signs
            i.   Permanent sign(s) shall be prohibited.
         b.   Temporary Signs
            i.   Shall be limited to the same requirements for temporary signs for business, industrial, and other non-residential uses.
      3.   Architectural Preservation District (APD)
         a.   Permanent Signs
            i.   Permanent sign(s) shall be prohibited.
         b.   Temporary Signs
            i.   Shall be limited to the same requirements that apply to temporary signs in the APD permitted for business and other non-residential uses.
   F.    Signs Permitted for Residential Uses
      1.   Single or Two-Family Residential Use
         a.   General
            i.   A sign permit for a temporary sign shall not be required.
            ii.   No sign may be illuminated.
            iii.   Projecting signs shall be prohibited.
            iv.   A sign having an Electronic Message Center shall be prohibited.
         b.   Ground Signs
            i.   Permanent ground signs shall be prohibited on any individual lot as defined by this ordinance.
            ii.   A permanent ground sign may be permitted on a reserve parcel or other lands owned in common by residents living with a specific neighborhood, a neighborhood group or association for the purpose of identifying their neighborhood.
               1)   A neighborhood identification sign must be located at the entrance to a neighborhood and fronting on a thoroughfare street as defined on the official Thoroughfare Plan.
               2)   A maximum of one, single-face sign shall be permitted at each neighborhood entrance.
               3)   A sign shall have a maximum area of 15 square feet.
               4)   A sign shall have a maximum height of 6 feet.
               5)   A sign shall be mounted onto a brick, stone, or keystone wall, wood, or wrought iron fence, or earthen mound and the entire area shall be landscaped.
               6)   A Zoning Certificate shall be required before a ground sign may be constructed. Plans for all signs including location, fences, walls or earth mounds and landscaping shall be submitted for approval.
Figure 9.10: Example Neighborhood Ground Sign
Figure 9.11: Example Site Plan for a Neighborhood Ground Sign
         c.    Wall Signs: Only 1 wall sign shall be permitted on each dwelling unit and each sign shall not exceed two square feet in sign area.
         d.    Temporary Signs
            i.   Only temporary ground signs shall be permitted.
            ii.   A temporary ground sign advertising a garage sale to be held on the premises shall be displayed for a period of time not to exceed three days maximum in any one evenly divided quarter of a calendar year for that premises.
            iii.   The sign face shall not exceed six square feet in area and the sign area shall not exceed 12 square feet.
            iv.   The sign height shall not exceed 4 feet.
            v.   The sign shall be located outside any public right-of-way, but shall not be subject to the general ground sign setback provision.
      2.   Multi-Family Residential Use
         a.   General
            i.   No sign shall be internally illuminated. Only external artificial light sources directing light to the sign face shall be permitted.
               1)   The color of any energized lamp used shall be white or yellow.
               2)   Light fixtures shall be positioned in a manner that focuses light onto a sign face to prevent glare to persons off-premises and the fixture lens or bulb shielded from public view.
            ii.   A sign having an electronic message center shall be prohibited.
            iii.   Projecting signs or wall signs with a sign area larger than two square feet shall be prohibited.
         b.   Ground Signs
            i.   Only 1 sign shall be permitted on each premises. However, the 2 sign faces of a ground sign may be split into 2 signs and situated on both sides of the main entrance to a multi-family development providing:
               1)   Each sign shall have only 1 sign face.
               2)   The sign face area shall not exceed the maximum sign face area permitted by this ordinance.
               3)   Each sign shall be incorporated into a fence, wall, or earth mound and the entire area shall be landscaped.
               4)   A Zoning Certificate shall be required before a ground sign may be split. Plans for all signs including all fences, walls or earth mounds and landscaping shall submitted for approval.
            ii.   The sign height shall not exceed 6 feet.
            iii.   The permitted sign area shall not exceed 1 square foot of sign area per 10 linear feet of lot frontage and shall not exceed 32 square feet in sign face area or 64 square feet in sign area.
         c.   Temporary Signs
            i.   Temporary projecting and wall signs shall be prohibited.
            ii.   Only one temporary ground sign shall be permitted for a period of time not to exceed 30 days maximum in any evenly divided one-half of a calendar year.
            iii.   The sign height shall not exceed 6 feet.
            iv.   The sign area shall not exceed one-half square foot of sign area per 10 linear feet of lot frontage and the area of the sign face shall not exceed 12 square feet and the sign area shall not exceed 24 square feet.
   G.   Signs Permitted for Business, Industrial, or Other Non-Residential Uses (Excluding the Architectural Preservation District)
      1.   General Provisions
         a.   No sign shall be located in such a manner as to be primarily viewed from residential property.
         b.   Sign Illumination (Ord. 16-20)
         Any illuminated sign or lighting device shall employ only light emitting a light of constant intensity, and no sign shall be illuminated by or contain flashing, intermittent, rotating or moving lights, or incorporate reflective materials which imitate or create the illusion of flashing or moving lights. In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be placed or directed so as to permit the beams and illumination therefrom to be directed or beamed upon a public thoroughfare, highway, sidewalk or adjacent premises so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or other nuisance. Signs shall not be lighted in a manner which obstructs traffic control or any other public informational signs. Signs visible from sight lines along streets shall not contain symbols or words, or red and green lights that resemble highway traffic signs for devices. These regulations shall not apply to holiday display lighting.
            i.   A permanent sign may be illuminated.
            ii.   A permanent sign for a business, industrial, or non-residential use where such use is located in a residential zoning district and the parcel where the use is situated does not have frontage to a thoroughfare street as defined by the Centerville Thoroughfare Plan shall not be internally illuminated.
            iii.   A temporary sign shall not be illuminated.
            iv.   No temporary sign shall incorporate movement or the illusion of movement.
         c.   A sign may include an Electronic Message Center subject to the following requirements: (Ord. 7-18; 16-20)
            i.   The sign must be located in a non-residential zoning district.
            ii.   The electronic message center shall be limited to a maximum of 60% of the total sign face area not to exceed 24 square feet in area per side.
            iii.   The surface area of the remaining portion of the sign face shall be a solid and opaque surface.
            iv.   A sign having an electronic message center shall only be placed along the frontage of a thoroughfare street as defined by the Centerville Thoroughfare Plan.
            v.   Static, fixed message. A sign must convey a static, fixed message. A static, fixed message under the provisions of this section of the ordinance means a sign message must remain as a constant visual image for at least one (1) minute. The transition time between images must be instantaneous without a transition period.
            vi.   Electronic Message Center (EMC), Night-Time Illumination
               (a)   Illuminance shall be measured with the EMC off, and again with the EMC displaying a white image for a full color-capable EMC or a solid message for a single-color EMC. All measurements shall be taken as close as practical to a perpendicular plane with the sign at a distance in accordance with the following formula:
                     Measurement Distance =
                  The difference between the off and solid-measurements shall not exceed 0.3 Footcandles at night.
               (b)   An Electronic Message Center shall have automatic illumination dimming technology to comply with the 0.3 Footcandle measurement requirements.
      2.   Ground or Projecting Signs
         a.   Only one ground or projecting sign shall be permitted on a premises.
         b.   The ground or projecting sign shall not exceed one-half square foot of sign area per one linear foot of lot frontage not to exceed 32 square feet in sign face area or 64 square feet in sign area.
         c.   Ground signs shall be a maximum height of 6 feet at the minimum sign setback line and for every additional 5 feet of sign setback, 1 foot may be added to the sign height not to exceed a total sign height of 16 feet.
         d.   A property owner may exchange the permitted ground sign for a wall sign(s) provided:
            i.   The sign area for this wall sign shall not exceed the sign face area of the ground sign that is permitted to the property by this ordinance.
            ii.   The wall sign that is exchanged for a ground sign shall be located on a building wall that is not used to generate permitted wall signage for this property.
            iii.   The building wall used to locate this wall sign shall not primarily face towards an abutting residential use nor toward a residential use across a street having a right-of-way width less than 82 feet as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan for the City of Centerville.
            iv.   No other ground sign shall be permitted on the premises unless otherwise permitted by this ordinance. Other ground signs permitted by this ordinance include but are not limited to temporary and directional signs.
            v.   A sign permit shall be required before a ground sign may be exchanged for a wall sign. (Ord. 18-16)
      3.   Wall Signs
         a.   The total sign area of all wall signs shall not exceed one and one-half square feet of sign area per one linear foot of building frontage. (Ord. 18-13)
         b.   In the case of a building with a pitched roof that overhangs a wall at the ground floor level in a manner that precludes the practical placement of a wall sign on any part of the wall of the building, that portion of the roof surface that overhangs the wall shall be considered part of the wall and a wall sign may be located on that overhanging roof surface provided that no part of the sign extends more than 3 feet from the roof surface and that the sign height does not exceed 2 feet. Before a sign permit may be issued for any sign under this provision, a site plan for zoning must be approved by the City.
         c.   No more than three signs may be displayed on a building frontage. The total sign area of all signs displayed shall not exceed the maximum sign area permitted by this ordinance. (For multi-tenant buildings, a building frontage is the individual tenant space as defined by this ordinance).
         d.   In cases where a building has more than one public street frontage, the permitted wall sign area may be distributed across multiple public street frontages. However, no more than 50% of the total permitted wall sign area may be located on one or more secondary frontage(s). (Ord. 18-13, 18-16)
      4.   Temporary Signs
         a.   Ground or Projecting Signs (Temporary) (Ord. 16-20)
            i.   Only one temporary ground or projecting sign, for a period of time not to exceed 45 days maximum in any one calendar year, shall be permitted on each premises.
            ii.   For a premises having two (2) or more non-residential uses, only one temporary ground or projecting sign, for a period of time not to exceed 45 days maximum in any one calendar year, shall be permitted by any one non-residential use provided only one temporary ground or projecting sign is displayed on a premises at any one (1) time.
            iii.   The Planning Commission may approve a request for a temporary ground or projecting sign exceeding the above stated period of time.
            iv.   The sign area shall not exceed one-quarter square foot of sign area per one linear foot of lot frontage not to exceed 16 square feet in sign face area or 32 square feet in sign area.
            v.   The sign height shall not exceed 6 feet.
            vi.   Temporary projecting signs shall be prohibited.
         b.   Wall Signs (Temporary) (Ord. 16-20)
            i.   Only one temporary wall sign, for a period of time not to exceed 30 days maximum in any one evenly divided quarter of a calendar year, shall be permitted for any building frontage of a premises.
            ii.   The sign area shall not exceed the square footage of 3/10 of the building frontage not to exceed 40 square feet.
         c.   Temporary Signs during Construction (Ord. 7-18)
            i.   One (1) temporary ground, projecting, or wall sign meeting the requisite criteria in parts (a) or (b) above may be displayed on the premises during construction. The sign shall be removed upon the commencement of business on the premises. A permit shall not be required.
   H.   Signs Permitted for the Architectural Preservation District (APD) (Ord. 7-18)
      1.   Approvals Required (APD): Refer to Section 5.09 of the UDO.
      2.   General Design Standards (APD)
      The type, size, height, number, placement, materials, and illumination of a sign shall complement the architecture of the buildings(s) located on the premises.
      3.   General Provisions (APD) (Ord. 20-22)
         a.   The sign face may be constructed using rigid and opaque materials such as wood, composition wood, metal, MDO board, or an equivalent material acceptable to the City Planner. (Ord. 7-18)
         b.   The applicant must obtain a condition of approval from the Board of Architectural Review for use of translucent sign materials such as certain types of plastics, vinyl, glass, and/or fiberglass. Signs with translucent materials shall meet the following standards for the Board of Architectural Review's approval.
            i.   The proposal shall not be located on any historic architecture or building.
            ii.   The application shall be consistent with the design guidelines set forth in the Design Review Criteria.
         c.   The use of corrugated plastic or paper, cardboard or foam shall be prohibited.
         d.   Sign Illumination.
            Any illuminated sign or lighting device shall employ only light emitting a constant intensity, and no sign shall be illuminated by or contain flashing, intermittent, rotating or moving lights, or incorporate reflective materials which imitate or create the illusion of flashing or moving lights. In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be placed or directed so as to permit the beams and illumination therefrom to be directed or beamed upon a public thoroughfare, highway, sidewalk or adjacent premises so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or other nuisance.
            Signs shall not be lighted in a manner which obstructs traffic control or any other public informational signs. Signs visible from sight lines along streets shall not contain symbols or words, or red and green lights that resemble highway traffic signs for devices. These regulations shall not apply to holiday display lighting.
            The following regulations apply to the illumination of signs within the Architectural Preservation District:
            i.   A permanent sign may be illuminated.
               a.   Unless Board of Architectural Review approval is required by the Unified Development Ordinance or the Design Review Criteria, an externally illuminated sign may be approved by City Staff if the proposed use meets the regulations of the Unified Development Ordinance and Design Review Criteria.
               b.   An internally illuminated wall sign may be specifically approved by the Board of Architectural Review. The Board shall consider the following standards when reviewing these applications:
                  (1).   The internally illuminated sign shall compliment the character, scope, scale, and design of the building to which it is attached.
                  (2).   The internally illuminated sign shall integrate with the surrounding building environment and not conflict in size, scale, design, and historical significance.
            ii.   The luminance of the internally illuminated sign may not exceed 150 nits during daytime hours and more than 50 nits during nighttime hours, between sunset and sunrise from a distance measured 50 feet away from the sign.
            iii.   The color of any external artificial lights used shall be white or yellow.
            iv.   Halo lighting behind a sign is permitted, as long as the light is soft and used as an accent for the sign that does not increase the sign area more than 10%. The only permitted halo light colors for this use are white and yellow.
            v.   Electronic Message Center signs are prohibited in the Architectural Preservation District.
            vi.   A temporary sign shall not be illuminated.
            vii.   No temporary sign shall incorporate movement or the illusion of movement.
      4.   Signs for Residential Uses (APD)
         a.   All signs are subject to the standards and requirements contained in the sub-section entitled "Signs for Residential Uses" of this Sign Ordinance; however, the procedures contained in this sub-section shall apply.
      5.   Signs for Business, Other Non-Residential, or Mixed Business and Residential Uses (APD)
         a.   Ground Signs (APD) (Ord. 7-18)
            i.   One ground sign shall be permitted on each premises.
            ii.   Ground sign area shall not exceed one-quarter of a square foot in sign area per linear foot of lot frontage, nor 16 square feet in sign face area.
            iii.   A ground sign shall be a maximum of 6 feet in height.
            iv.   A ground sign may be exchanged for a wall sign provided:
               1)   The sign area for this wall sign shall not exceed the sign face area of the ground sign that is permitted to the property by this ordinance.
               2)   The wall sign that is exchanged for a ground sign shall be located on a building wall that is not used to generate permitted wall signage for this property.
               3)   The building wall used to locate this wall sign shall not primarily face towards an abutting residential use nor toward a residential use across a street having a right-of-way width less than 82 feet as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan for the City of Centerville.
               4)   No other ground sign shall be permitted on the premises unless otherwise permitted by this ordinance. Other ground signs permitted by this ordinance include but are not limited to temporary and directional signs.
         b.   Wall or Projecting Signs (APD) (Ord. 7-18, 20-22)
            i.   Two wall signs per business shall be permitted.
            ii.   Total wall or projecting sign area shall not exceed one-half of a square foot of sign area per linear foot of building frontage along a public street or one-third of a square foot of sign area per linear foot of building frontage along a public park or public parking lot, nor 36 square feet in sign area for any one sign.
            iii.   The overall width of a wall sign shall not exceed more than 60 percent of the width of the wall on which it is located.
            iv.   A wall or projecting sign shall not extend higher on the wall than the top height of any second story window.
            v.   The wall or projecting sign may only be located along the front facade of the building used to calculate the sign area or on the facade of the building that is adjacent to a public parking lot or public space.
            vi.   The projecting sign may not project into the public right-of-way.
         c.   Temporary Signs and Daily Display Signs (APD) (Ord. 18-16)
            i.   A daily display sign shall be a ground sign.
            ii.   A daily display sign shall not exceed 6 square feet in sign face area.
            iii.   A daily display sign shall be a maximum of 4 feet in height.
            iv.   A daily display sign shall be located near the front porch or stoop on a level surface outside of the public right-of-way in a manner that does not conflict with existing pedestrian and vehicular paths of travel.
            v.   A daily display sign shall be displayed only during the normal hours of operation of a business.
            vi.   The sign type, design, materials, and color shall be in general accordance with the Temporary Signs standards established in the Design Review Criteria.
            vii.   A Sign Permit shall not be required.
            viii.   In-lieu of a daily display sign, the City Planner may approve a temporary ground or wall sign subject to the following requirements:
               1)   Only one temporary sign may be displayed a maximum of 30 days in each evenly divided half of a calendar year for a business on a premises.
               2)   A temporary ground signs shall have a maximum height of six feet.
               3)   A temporary wall sign shall not mask, cover or conceal any window or significant architectural feature of a building.
               4)   A temporary sign shall not exceed 12 square feet in sign face area
               5)   The sign material shall be composed of an opaque, durable material and properly secured so as to prevent detachment from the sign posts or building wall.
            ix.   Illumination of a temporary or daily display sign shall be prohibited.