The use of a City credit card account for expenses beyond those authorized by this Policy, or any failure to comply with this Credit Card Policy and Procedures, constitutes misuse of a credit card account.
   (a)   Criminal Penalty. An officer or employee of the political subdivision or a public servant as defined under R.C. § 2921.01 who knowingly misuses a credit card account held by the City of Centerville violates R.C. § 2913.21, as well as any other applicable criminal penalty.
   (b)   Disciplinary Action. Misuse of a credit card account may also subject an officer or employee of the City to disciplinary action.
   (c)   Liability. The officer or employee is liable in person and upon any official bond the officer or employee has given to the political subdivision to reimburse the treasury the amount for which the officer or employee does not provide itemized receipts in accordance with this policy and/or for any other unauthorized use of a "credit card" as established by this policy.
(Res. 05-19. Passed 1-28-19 ; Res. 82-21. Passed 9-20-21.)