For purposes of this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings given herein:
   (a)   "Credit card account" means any bank-issued credit card account, store-issued credit card account, financial institution-issued credit card account, financial depository-issued credit card account, affinity credit card account, or any other card account allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit or to transact with the account, and any debit or gift card account related to the receipt of grant moneys.
   (b)   "Credit card account" does not include a procurement card account, gasoline or telephone credit card account, or any other card account where merchant category codes are in place as a system of control for use of the card account.
   (c)   "Presentation instruments" are also known as or include credit cards.
(Res. 05-19. Passed 1-28-19; Res. 82-21. Passed 9-20-21.)