1048.01 Purpose, intent and goals.
1048.02 Definitions.
1048.03 Applicability.
1048.04 Permit required.
1048.05 Application requirement.
1048.06 Application type.
1048.07 Decisions.
1048.08 Amendments.
1048.09 Issuance of permit and certificates.
1048.10 Scope of approval.
1048.11 Duration of approval.
1048.12 Revocation.
1048.13 Appeals.
1048.14 General standards.
1048.15 Design and siting requirements.
1048.16 Reservation of right-of-way.
1048.17 Nonconformity.
1048.18 Conflict with other provisions.
1048.19 Severability.
1048.99 Penalty.