1022.01 Application of chapter; intersection defined; minimum width of travel lanes.
1022.02 Curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement construction on dedicated streets.
1022.03 Curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement construction on nondedicated streets.
1022.04 Payment of engineering and right-of-way costs by City.
1022.05 Drainage construction.
Continuation of improvements after adoption of City Charter - see CHTR. Sec. 13.08
Issuance of bonds for public improvements - see ADM. 246.03
Improvements in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1224.03, Ch. 1228
(a) The provisions set forth in this chapter shall apply only to areas which are already developed. New plats shall continue to be subject to current Subdivision Regulations.
(b) When used in this chapter, “intersection” means the area bounded by lateral lines, real or projected, of two or more public streets or highways which meet or cross each other.
(c) The minimum width of a travel lane is hereby established at twelve feet.
(Ord. 59-74. Passed 7-15-74.)
Curb, gutter and sidewalk construction abutting dedicated streets shall be paid for by the owner of the property abutting the construction, except that the City shall pay an amount equal to two percent of such cost and the entire cost of any such construction within an intersection. However, if reconstruction of an existing curb, gutter and sidewalk is made necessary because of action by the City in accordance with a street widening program, the City shall pay the entire cost of the same. The City shall pay the entire cost of reconstruction, resurfacing or repair of existing pavement on dedicated streets.
(Ord. 59-74. Passed 7-15-74.)