808.01 Definitions.
808.02 License required.
808.03 License application.
808.04 Liability insurance.
808.05 Income tax bond.
808.06 Surety bond.
808.07 Service of process.
808.08 License fees.
808.09 Utility service charges.
808.10 License issuance; display required.
808.11 Travel route; precautions.
808.12 License revocation.
808.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.48, 715.63, 3765.02
Power to regulate advertising - see Ohio R.C. 715.65
Contests or games at county fairs - see Ohio R.C. 1711.09, 1711.11
State licensing of portable amusement devices - see Ohio R.C. 1711.11(H)
County license for public shows - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3765
Gambling - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 630
As used in this chapter:
(a) “Carnival,” in addition to the definition commonly applied thereto, means a group of two or more traveling shows, exhibitions, concessions, attractions or amusements usually operated under one sponsorship and exhibited in, on or about the same area, place or space.
(b) “Circus,” in addition the definition commonly applied thereto, means a traveling show or entertainment which is exhibited under canvas or tents, which usually consists of a menagerie, aerial, acrobatic and animal feats, sideshows and related amusements, with the main attraction normally conducted twice daily.
(c) “Other show” means any single attraction, museum, show or exhibition which is operated exclusively and directly for private gain or profit and which is not conducted in a duly licensed theater or hall or pursuant to another form of license or permit required by the City.
(Ord. 59-74. Passed 7-15-74.)
Any person who exhibits or participates in exhibiting any circus, carnival or other show, whether under canvas tent or otherwise, shall secure a license from the Manager before giving any performance. The fee for the license shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 808.08.
(Ord. 59-74. Passed 7-15-74.)
Application, in writing, for a circus, carnival or other show license, as required by Section 808.02, shall be made to the Manager by the owner or operator of the circus, carnival or other show, and shall contain such information about the type of operation, sanitation procedures to be followed, provisions for providing electricity, maintenance of facilities to prevent fire and such other information as the Manager may require.
(Ord. 59-74. Passed 7-15-74.)