1113.01 Purpose.
1113.02 Applicability.
1113.03 Installation timing.
1113.04 Minimum materials and standards.
1113.05 General landscaping for lots and foundations.
1113.06 Required bufferyard between land uses.
1113.07 Required screening of service areas.
1113.08 Required screening of vehicular use areas.
1113.09 Maintenance and replacement requirements.
The intent of these landscaping and screening regulations is to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare through the preservation, protection and enhancement of the environment, by recognizing the vital importance of tree growth in the ecological system. It is further the purpose of this chapter to:
(a) Promote the preservation, replacement and augmentation of major trees removed in the course of land development, so as to mitigate the impact of development;
(b) Promote the proper utilization of landscaping as a buffer between certain land uses and to minimize the possibility of nuisances including potential noise, glare, litter and visual clutter of parking and service areas;
(c) Provide opportunities to accommodate runoff naturally while managing stormwater on-site;
(d) Encourage the development of landscaping that will minimize erosion'
(e) Protect, preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods;
(f) Offer a minimum standard for the consistent appearance of plant material in the community landscape; and
(g) Soften the appearance of building masses and paved areas and reduce generation of heat and stormwater runoff.
(Ord. 2023-16. Passed 6-5-23.)
(b) The requirements of this chapter shall apply to all other new development or expansions to other principal buildings.
(c) If a vehicular use area is expanded an area less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the vehicular use area that existed on the effective date of this code, where there is no construction or alteration of a building on the same site, the landscaping requirements of Section 1113.08 shall apply to the expanded vehicular use area.
(d) If a vehicular use area is expanded more than the twenty-five percent (25%) allowed above, without construction or alteration of the building or if a vehicular use area is demolished and replaced or redesigned, the landscaping requirements of Section 1113.08 shall apply to the entire vehicular use area.
(e) Landscaping requirements shall be reviewed as part of an application for a site plan, development plan for planned developments, subdivision plat, variance, conditional use, or zoning certificate, whichever is occurs first. Landscaping review may be continued and/or completed under a later part of the approval process upon request of the Zoning Administrator and agreement of the applicant.
(f) No variance, zoning certificate, development plan approval, site plan approval, or conditional use permit shall be granted or issued until final approval of the landscaping plan.
(Ord. 2023-16. Passed 6-5-23.)