For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
   (a)   Inoperative motor vehicle. Any motor vehicle not moved for thirty (30) consecutive days shall be presumed inoperative.
   (b)    Junk motor vehicle. Any motor vehicle meeting any three (3) of the following criteria:
      (1)    Three (3) years old or older;
      (2)    Disabling damage, such damage including, but not limited to, any of the following:
         A.   Missing wheel;
         B.   Missing or deflated tire;
         C.   Missing motor;
         D.   Missing transmission;
      (3)    Fair market value less than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00);
      (4)    Inoperative;
      (5)    Unlicensed, or improperly licensed.
   (c)   Motor vehicle. Any device, including major parts thereof, in, on, or by which any person or property is or may be transported, including devices used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks, and devices designed to be pulled, drawn, or towed by a motor vehicle, but not including devices moved by human or animal power.
   (d)   “Vehicle”, and “motor vehicle”. These terms are used synonymously. However, their respective meaning within this chapter is the same as in Ohio Revised Code 4511.01(A), (B), and (C). (Revised Code§§ 4513.63; 4513.65)
   (e)    Person. Any individual, firm, partnership, company, unincorporated association, or corporation.
   (f)    Private property. Any real property within the City which is privately owned or operated.
   (g)   Public property. Public streets, highways, alleys, sidewalks, boulevards, bikeways, and the right-of-way thereof. Any property open to the public for the purpose of vehicular travel or parking and any right-of-way thereof. Any other property which is owned or operated by the City, and any right-of-way thereof.
   (h)   City. City of Celina, Mercer County, Ohio.
      (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-13-12.)