(a) The City hereby establishes a VSP fee that is five percent (5%) of the video service provider’s gross revenue derived from providing video service within the City as defined by Ohio R.C. 1332.32(B). This shall apply to all video service providers operating within the City.
(b) The VSP fee shall be paid quarterly, no sooner than forty-five days and no later than sixty days at the end of each quarter of a calendar year in accordance with the Ohio R.C. 1332.32(A).
(c) The Mayor be and hereby is authorized to give timely notice of the VSP fee to any video service provider, by certified mail, upon receipt of the provider’s written notice that it will begin providing video service within the City pursuant to authorization issued by the State of Ohio’s Director of Commerce.
(Ord. 6-08-0. Passed 1-28-08.)