The following regulations shall apply to all signs, permitted and otherwise, according to each Zoning District.
   (a)   S-1, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-O Districts:
      (1)   Lots used for dwellings of 10 or fewer units and their accessory uses:
         A.   The maximum total sign area shall not exceed six (6) square feet.
         B.   The minimum sign setbacks shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            10 feet from all side property lines, and
            10 feet from all rear property lines.
         C.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be four (4) feet.
         D.   The maximum number of signs allowed shall be two (2), only one of which may be a freestanding sign.
         E.   Signs shall not be illuminated.
      (2)   Lots having a primary use that is nonresidential and apartment complexes with more than 10 units:
         A.   The maximum total area of all permitted signs shall be equal to one (1) square foot of sign area for each four (4) feet of lot width, not to exceed a maximum of 50 square feet.
         B.   The minimum setbacks for all freestanding signs shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            25 feet from all side property lines, and
            25 feet from all rear property lines.
         C.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be eight (8) feet.
         D.   The maximum number of signs allowed, regardless of the number of tenants, shall be two (2), only one of which may be a freestanding sign.
      (3)   Signs identifying or marking subdivision developments shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission as part of the subdivision review process. The Planning Commission shall set the number, size and location of these non-temporary development or subdivision signs.
   (b)   B-1 General Business District:
      (1)   Lots used for dwellings of 10 or fewer units and their accessory uses:
         A.   The maximum total sign area shall be equal to 20 square feet.
         B.   The minimum sign setbacks shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            10 feet from all side property lines, and
            10 feet from all rear property lines.
         C.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be 6 feet.
         D.   The maximum number of signs, which require a permit, shall be two (2), only one of which may be a freestanding sign.
      (2)   Lots having a primary use that is nonresidential and apartment complexes with more than 10 units:
         A.   The maximum total area of all permitted signs shall be equal to 4 square feet of sign area for each one (1) foot of lot width, not to exceed a maximum of 200 square feet.
         B.   The minimum setbacks for all freestanding signs shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            10 feet from all side property lines, and
            10 feet from all rear property lines.
         C.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be 25 feet.
         D.   The maximum number of signs, which require a permit, regardless of the number of tenants, shall be four (4), with only one freestanding sign allowed per abutting street.
   (c)   B-2 Central Business District.
      (1)   Lots used for dwellings of 10 or fewer units and their accessory uses:
         A.   The maximum total sign area shall not exceed 20 square feet.
         B.   The minimum sign setbacks shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            10 feet from all side property lines, and
      10 feet from all rear property lines, except as provided in Section 1185.03(d)(5).
         C.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be six (6) feet.
   D.   The maximum number of signs, which require a permit, shall be two (2), only one of which may be a freestanding sign.
      (2)   Lots having a primary use that is nonresidential and apartment complexes with more than 10 units:
         A.   The maximum total area of all permitted signs shall bc equal to 4 square feet of sign area for each one (1) foot of lot width, not to exceed a maximum of 100 square feet.
         B.   The minimum setbacks for all freestanding signs shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            10 feet from all side property lines, and
            10 feet from all rear property lines.
         C.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be 25 feet.
         D.   The maximum number of signs, which require a permit, regardless of the number of tenants, shall be four (4), with only one freestanding sign allowed per abutting street.
   (d)   B-3 Community Shopping District.
      (1)   Integrated Commercial Centers
         A.   The maximum total area of all wall signs for any one business shall be equal to two (2) square feet of sign area for each one (1) foot of building width, not to exceed a maximum of 200 square feet.
         B.   The total area of any freestanding sign shall be 200 square feet.
         C.   The minimum freestanding sign setbacks shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            50 feet from all side property lines, and
            50 feet from all rear property lines.
         D.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be 35 feet.
         E.   The maximum number of wall signs for any one business shall be two (2).
         F.   The maximum number of freestanding signs shall not exceed the number of abutting streets.
      (2)   Other lots in the B-3 district, including outlots of integrated commercial centers having their own street frontage and separate ownership:
         A.   The maximum total area of all signs shall be equal to four (4) square feet of sign area for each one (1) foot of lot width not to exceed a maximum of 200 square feet.
         B.   The minimum setbacks for all freestanding signs shall be as follows:
            0 feet from all street right-of-way lines,
            10 feet from all side property lines, and
            10 feet from all rear property lines.
         C.   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be 25 feet.
         D.   The maximum number of signs allowed, regardless of the number of tenants, shall be four (4), with only one freestanding sign.
   (e)   M Manufacturing District.
      (1)   The maximum total area of all signs shall be equal to two (2) square feet of sign area for each one (1) foot of lot width, not to exceed a maximum of 200 square feet.
      (2)   The minimum setbacks for all freestanding signs shall be as follows:
         0 feet from all street right-of-way lines.
         20 feet from all side property lines, and
         20 feet from all rear property lines.
      (3)   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall be 15 feet.
      (4)   The maximum number of signs, which require a permit, regardless of the number of tenants, shall be four (4), with only one freestanding sign allowed per abutting street.
         (Ord. 26-99-0. Passed 8-23-99.)