In determining whether the plan qualifies for a Certificate of Design Approval, the Design Review Commission shall consider those factors listed below which are relevant to the work. In applying the factors listed below, the Design Review Commission shall be guided by the Design Review District Guidelines, as adopted or amended by City Council. The Design Review Commission shall issue a Certificate of Design Approval if the proposed plan is in compliance with these Design Review District Guidelines. The plan shall be approved subject to conditions as necessary to assure the work is in compliance with the Design Review District Guidelines.
(a) Consistency and compatibility with any plans for the Design Review District which have been adopted by City Council.
(b) Compatibility with the building and structural patterns in the surrounding Design Review District.
(c) The quality of design and site planning being promoted by the proposed improvements.
(d) The avoidance of visual clutter created by unnecessarily large amounts and sizes of signage, and the encouragement of signage that reflects the scale and materials of a development's structure.
(e) Any adverse effect on the access to the property by fire, police, or other public services; access to light and air from, and for, adjoining properties; traffic conditions; or the development, usefulness, or value of neighboring land and buildings.
(f) The elimination or avoidance of blight.
(Ord. 26-99-0. Passed 8-23-99.)
(Ord. 26-99-0. Passed 8-23-99.)