The establishment of district boundaries and the Design Review Commission shall be as follows:
(a) Council may establish districts as part of the official zoning map where design review is required as per Chapter 1148. The procedures established under Chapter 1157 shall be followed for the establishment of these districts.
(b) A Design Review Commission shall be established for each Design Review District. It shall consist of five (5) members, all residents of the Municipality appointed by the Mayor and subject to approval of Council.
The terms shall be for four (4) years with two of the initial members being appointed to two (2) year terms.
Members may be reappointed. One member shall be a property owner or resident of the design review area.
All members shall have, to the highest extent possible, a recognized knowledge of, or known interest in, historic preservation, architectural, or design disciplines. At least one member shall have a professional background in architectural, engineering, contracting, or other similar construction/design profession. The Commission shall adopt its own rules of procedure consistent with this Zoning Ordinance.
(c) The duties of the Design Review Commission are to:
(1) Review and approve or deny all applications for Certificates of Design Approval. All applications are to be acted upon by the Commission within the time period established in Section 1148.04 of this Chapter.
(2) Work to increase the public awareness of the significance of the district.
(3) Encourage property owners within the district to initiate changes which will enhance the significance of the district.
(4) Receive, send and account for any funds which it may legally receive from any source for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance.
(5) Contract, as needed and as allowed for by funding availability, technical experts to fulfill the provisions of this Ordinance.
(6) Keep minutes and records of all meetings and proceedings, including records of voting, attendance, resolutions, findings, determinations, and decisions, with all pertinent material being a matter of public record.
(7) Perform any other functions necessary to carry out the duties required by this Ordinance, or by further resolution of Council.
(Ord. 26-99-0. Passed 8-23-99.)