(a)   The use of property in the Overlay District, in accordance with a site plan (pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 1146 of this Ordinance), shall be permitted only if the proposed site development plan, by its nature, or by reason of the controls imposed by the Planning Commission and Council:
      1.    Is not an adverse influence on any abutting or surrounding properties;
       2.    Provides for an orderly transition and promotes compatibility between districts;
      3.   Is in full compliance with the purposes of this Zoning Ordinance and this Chapter;
      4.    Furthers and conforms to the goals of the Celina Land Use Plan as adopted by the City; and
       5.    Is designed to maximize the public interest and private benefit in a balanced manner.
   It is the responsibility of the developer to demonstrate compliance with each of the above stated standards.
   (b)   The following factors or characteristics, along with other requirements imposed by the Planning Commission for such use, consistent with the provisions of this Chapter shall be considered in assessing a proposed site development plan:
      (1)    Permitted types of use(s);
       (2)    Intensity of use in terms of:
         A.   Density, floor area or impervious surface ratio (I.S.R.);
         B.   Traffic impacts; or
         C.   Other environmental impacts such as noise, light, pollution, etc.;
      (3)    Functional and aesthetic compatibility with existing or proposed development;
         A.   Landscaping and buffering of the site; and
         B.   Compliance with the development goals of an adopted plan for the City or that area of the City.
   (c)   To secure the application of all relevant standards to the development of the Overlay District, the Planning Commission shall recommend:
      (1)   Front, side and rear yard requirements, density requirements, height and bulk of building requirements and intensity of use;
      (2)   The use of materials or designs in the erection of structures which shall minimize the adverse impact of the uses proposed by the development plan on neighboring properties;
      (3)   Permits or variances for docks, business signs, outdoor storage, parking spaces, loading docks and driveways;
      (4)   The screening or setting aside areas of land to serve as a buffer of the proposed use in the Overlay District from adjacent properties by walls, fences, landscaping or open spaces; and
      (5)   Such additional conditions and limitations on use, building dimensions, open spaces and the like as may be deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this Chapter and this Zoning Ordinance.
    (d)   All the powers exercised pursuant to Sections 1147.01 through 1147.05 shall serve the objectives to create orderly transitions between districts, to minimize adverse impacts of one district upon the other, and to promote the development of property in the Overlay District.
(Ord. 26-99-0. Passed 8-23-99.)