(a) The minimum standards for roadway surfacing shall be those detailed in subsection (1) or (2) hereof.
(1) After preparation of the subgrade, the roadbed shall be surfaced with material required by local standards. The minimum asphalt concrete base shall be four and one-half inches and the minimum asphalt concrete finish surface shall be one and one-half inches. All surfacing shall be a minimum six inches full depth asphalt pavement and be approved by the City.
All soft spots in subgrade shall be removed and replaced with crushed stone then compacted before surfacing begins. Drainage for the roadway shall be provided.
(2) As an alternative two courses of compacted asphaltic concrete shall be constructed on the prepared base, in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, designed thickness, typical cross sections and other details shown on the plans, finished and ready for acceptance.
A wearing course of bank or crusher run aggregate shall be placed on the completed and accepted subgrade or subbase. The aggregate material shall conform with the requirements of Item 304.02 of the Ohio State Highway Specifications and be uniformly spread in layers by means of an approved spreader box or any other method approved by the Engineer.
(Ord. 20-71-0. Passed 5-24-71.)
After spreading, the material shall be rolled until thoroughly compacted. The minimum compacted thickness of the aggregate wearing course shall not be less than seven inches.
After compaction of the wearing course, a prime coat of tack coat of bituminous material shall be applied, followed by the application of two and one-half inches of asphaltic concrete applied in two separate layers, the first layer consisting of one and one-quarter inches leveling course. The second shall be one and one-quarter inches finish or wearing course.
The asphaltic concrete shall be composed of a mixture of coarse and fine mineral aggregate and asphalt cement. The several courses shall be of the composition known as Asphaltic concrete, Item 402, Item 403 or Item 404 as described in Ohio State Highway Specifications. Drainage for the roadway shall be provided.
(Ord. 20-71-0. Passed 5-24-71.)