(A) All mobile home parks existing prior to February 13, 1980, and which were subject to or enlarged under the Title II, General Provision, Section 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the town's zoning ordinance, are declared a nonconforming use of the land and will be regulated as such.
(B) Any mobile home park constructed or enlarged with Plan Commission approval after February 13, 1980, and which does not comply with this chapter is declared a nonconforming use.
('82 Code, § 19-600)
(A) All mobile home parks classified as nonconforming shall be subject to the provisions of Title II, General Provision, Section 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the town's zoning ordinance.
(B) Prior to expansion of a nonconforming mobile home park, beyond the limits allowed for a nonconforming use, all applicable permits, procedures, and restrictions must be complied with. Furthermore, the application process outlined in §§ 152.03 through 152.06, must be followed and the final plan must be approved in accordance with those provisions.
('82 Code, § 19-601)
(A) Any lot, plot, or tract of land containing two or more mobile homes within the incorporated area of the town, and which does not hold a valid state license for a mobile home park, is declared an illegal use of the land and is a violation of this chapter.
(B) Any mobile home park constructed after February 13, 1980, which was not approved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or which violated any of the provisions of the final plan approved by the Town Board, shall be considered an illegal use.
('82 Code, § 19-602) Penalty, see § 152.99
(A) All mobile home parks which are declared illegal shall, within 90 days of notification, request a preapplication conference with the Plan Commission.
(B) All mobile home parks declared illegal shall, within 90 days of the preapplication conference, file a complete application to the Plan Commission for a preliminary plan and special exception in accordance with §§ 152.03 through 152.06 of this chapter, and in accordance with the zoning ordinance.
(C) Within 90 days of the date the Town Board approves the special exception, the petitioner shall submit a complete application for final plan approval.
(D) Within 60 days of the Town Board approval of the final plan, the petitioner shall apply for the improvement location permit.
(E) Final plan approval must be obtained within one year of notification unless granted an extension by the Plan Commission. The extensions shall only be granted when approvals have been delayed due to administrative procedures of the Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, or Town Board.
('82 Code, § 19-603)