All fireworks, novelties, and trick noisemakers shipped into the town or manufactured and sold in the town, must have distinctly and durably painted, stamped, printed or marked on the package, box, or container in which the items are enclosed the exact nature and quantity of the fireworks contained in the container.
(Ord. 1007, passed 6-19-07)
Retailers may not sell consumer fireworks until the retailer has met all permit requirements and has obtained a certificate of compliance from the State Fire Marshal. A Certificate of Compliance issued to a retailer of consumer fireworks is not transferable except to a subsequent owner or operator of a business at the same location in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the State Fire Marshal.
(Ord. 1007, passed 6-19-07)
Any person, firm or corporation who violates I.C. 22-11-14 et seq. or the provisions herein, shall be subject to applicable penalties and/or revocation of their permit to sell fireworks. This provision shall apply to all retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, and distributors.
(Ord. 1007, passed 6-19-07)
Any person who violates the provisions of this chapter and town code section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $250 for the first offense; $500 for the second offense; $1,000 for the third offense; $2,500 for the fourth offense; and $7,500 for the fifth and subsequent offenses during a 12-month period of time. All fines shall be payable to the Clerk-Treasurer, or through the Lake Superior Court, and payable to the town for deposit in the town general fund. Each incident that occurs shall constitute and be deemed a separate offense.
(Ord, 1007, passed 6-19-07)