To: The Sanitary Board of Appeals of the Town of Cedar Lake, Lake County, Indiana
The undersigned, , own(s) certain property located within the Town of Cedar Lake, Lake County, Indiana, commonly known as (street address).
On (date of notification), the undersigned was notified that a condition described in §§ 51.12(H) and/or 51.13(A), of the Municipal Code of the Town of Cedar Lake, Indiana, as amended, exists on the above property. The undersigned do not believe that such a condition exists on the above property, and therefore, appeal the town’s determination for the following reasons:
(Set forth in detail all matters being appealed, the reasons therefore, and such additional evidence, test results, findings, or other new matters as are necessary to support this appeal.)
Dated: , 19 .
(Ord. 518, passed 11-14-90)